Chapter 8

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Castiel's P.O.V.

"cas?" i heard him ask. i saw him move around a little in the darkness and i saw the rag slip off his head and he freaked out so i said "sorry dean, you were sweating so i put a cold rag on are you feeling?" i thought he was going to be mad, that there was a gay guy in his room or something, most people would be, at least that's what uncle Urial would say, normally i do not believe what he says, but my anxiety got the best of me and i thought of every possible solution of why dean would hate me right now, even though their was that voice in the back of my head saying 'you idiot, you just helped him, why would he hate you?' but my anxiety pushed that voice away and brought out the voices that said 'he hates you now, because your gay AND IN HIS ROOM!! he probably thought you came cause you have a crush on him...but you do...ok, he definitely hates you now.' he started asking questions frantically "cas? what happened? why are you here? how did i get in my bed? where's sammy? is he ok?" he was freaking out so i went over by his bed and put my hand on his arm to try and calm him down. "dean" i said "calm down, sam called me saying that you were hurt so me and gabe raced here and i carried you to your room and i stitched up your leg and put some medicine on the cuts on your face" i turned around and grabbed 2 Advil's and the glass of water and i handed it to him. he took them and i could tell he was looking at me "hey, could you turn on the light, please?" he asked me i then realized ' scars, he can't see them, he just can't' i got up slowly and had an idea i would go get sam and hide myself around the wall so i turned around the corner and popped my head back in the room "i'll go get sam" i said and turned on the lights before he could see me. "gabe, sam, dean is awake, you can go see him now" sam paused the movie and ran upstairs before me and gabe did, gabe ran after sam and followed him in deans room. i stayed back a little trying to figure out what i was going to do about my scars, my clothes are not clean yet and i can't just steal one from sam, hes not my size, and i don't want to be rude and i can't go into dean's room...he will see me. the only option i had was to either keep my distance from him, or run...but sam invited me and gabe to sleep over, that would be rude if i just left. suddenly gabe came down the stairs and into the living room (where sam and gabe were watching T.V.) where i was standing "hey dean wants to see you" gabe said, i nodded my head and walked up the stairs with him 'prepare for a long night' gabe walked in the room and i just popped my head in, i could tell i made things awkward by doing so. "cas? what are you doing? get in here, i want to thank you" he chuckled a little and i thought to myself 'it's now or never' i stepped in the door frame and into his room and his smile faded fast. he spoke up "sam, gabe, could i talk to cas alone please?" my heart started to beat very fast, i thought i was going to have a panic attack. the only thing i could think of saying was "dean, i'm fi-" but he cut me off "bullshit cas" he sat up in his bed and looked at the ground "who did it?" he said to me i thought to myself 'don't drag him down with you...don't you dare' so i said "nobody of your concern" he looked at me and said "cas...i'm not mad at you, i want to help, now who did it?" i looked at my feet ashamed " uncle, the one i told you about before" he shook his head and said "come here" i began to panic (quietly) 'is he going to hit me? he probably going to hit me, he hates me...i knew it' i walked slowly toward him heart beating hard and fast then he sighed and said "cas, i'm not going to hurt you, just come here" i walked more quickly over to him until i stood right in front of him. he made me kneel down so we were almost face to face. i flinched a little when he grabbed my arm and turned it over to see my cuts on my left arm at first i had no idea what he was doing until he traced the cuts with his finger and i knew he knew those were not from my uncle...they were from me. "were these from your uncle?...and don't lie to me cas" he said to me i looked right into his eyes while he looked straight into mine. i started to tear up and i shook my head and buried my face in my hands and cried, i felt arms around me and saw that dean was hugging me saying "cas, it's ok, it's ok, i am going to help you, and i won't leave you...just please don't do it anymore, please, for me...ok cas?" i looked at him and choked out a "i-i will try dean" i cried a little more until he asked if i wanted to watch the avengers, i nodded my head and we both came downstairs i was to distracted by my thoughts to see sam and gabe staring at us, me and dean sat on the couch together and soon i fell asleep and had a dream of the most perfect thing in the world...Dean Winchester.

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