Chapter 7

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AUTHORS NOTE: *trigger warning*

Castiel's P.O.V.

i knew my uncle would not be home till very late tonight because he is at a church meeting/party, that's what he does every Thursday. when i got home i plopped myself on my bed thinking how nice today was, until my phone rang about 20 minutes later

"hello?" i said

"castiel? it's sam i need your help"

i immediately got worried by the way sam's voice sounded

"sam? what's wrong is everything ok?"

"no time to explain do you know how to give stitches?"

i did, i learned from gabe who knew how from patching me up from my uncle's beatings

"yeah, why? what happened? is everything ok?" i asked frantically

"can you come over to our house, dean is hurt, i will explain everything when you get here"

"i'm on my way" and with that i hung up and yelled to gabe

"GABE!!!" he came running down the stairs "what? what's wrong?" i told him what sam told me and we both headed towards the bus stop luckily we made it just in time right before the bus was about to leave when we got to deans street we both ran as fast as we could to deans house, i did not know what house it was but sam told me what it looked like and that he will have all the outside lights on. when we found the house i knocked on the door out of breathe and almost immediately the door opened by a worried looking sam, i could tell that he was crying "please help him he has a big cut on his leg and i can't lift him up" i looked at dean and saw lots of blood, i ran over to him and turned him so i could see his face, i saw that he was all pail and their were bad bruises and small cuts on his face (and that he was passed out) i told sam to get some towels and i told gabe to get the first aid kit that we brought. they did and i picked dean up so his face was nuzzled into my chest and my hand held his upper back and his legs, i went to his room, i guessed that his room was the one with the AC/DC posters and CD's all over the place. i set him down on the bed, sam and gabe handed me the things and i quickly went to work on his leg, i had to take his pants off, i did not even think about it because i was so worried about dean. i took the glass out of his leg and stitched and cleaned his leg and i was kind of relived that dean was passed out, so i wouldn't have to see him in pain and it would't be awkward taking his pants off. when i was done i put a cold rag on his head and looked at sam and smiled "he will be ok, he should wake up soon" sam gave me a hug and said to me "thank you so much, castiel, i don't know what i would have done without you" i looked at him and smiled and nodded my head "do you guys want to sleep over? our dad is not coming back tonight, and i think dean would like to see you when he wakes up...and plus...i don't really want to be alone right now" cas looked over at gabe who was jumping up and down mouthing the words "YES!!" i chuckled "sure, but we don't have clothes" i said while looking down at my shirt, it was bloody from carrying dean up the stairs and doing his stitches sam smiled "that's ok i can lend gabe clothes and i can give you some of deans clothes, i'm sure he won't mind" sam ran to his room and gave gabe one of his pajama's gabe smiled and asked "where is your bathroom?" sam directed him to the bathroom and came back into deans room and went into his room and grabbed some plaid pajama pants out of his drawers "here" sam threw them at me and went back to his drawers, for a shirt, i told him "i don't need a shirt, i am too hot anyway" sam chuckled and said "suit yourself" he left the room and i felt a little nervous i knew that they would see my scars, but dean was asleep and i don't think he will wake up until tomorrow morning and my clothes will be clean by then, and i was really hot, i was sweating because of how nervous i was, and i would look gross with a shirt on, so i went to their bathroom, gabe came out in a plain black shirt and plaid pajama pants he looked funny to me i laughed at him a little "shut up" he said i just ignored him and went into the bathroom to change, i came out and felt the cool air on my bare chest, i did not mind though, i saw sam and gabe downstairs on the couch watching a movie. i did not feel like watching a movie i just wanted to make sure dean was ok so i went back to his room and sat on his desk chair and just watched him, wondering what in the world happened. i was spacing out until i heard dean moving and i snapped back into reality "dean?" i asked

Dean's P.O.V.  

i froze hearing that voice, it was cas..."cas?" i asked looking around the dark room, my memory was coming back to me, i looked at my leg and felt something slip off my head, it was wet, i gasped a little loud, and immediately i heard cas's voice closer to me "sorry dean, you were sweating so i put a cold rag on are you feeling?" i was still trying to figure out what the heck happened so i asked him "cas? what happened, why are you here? how did i get in my bed? where's sammy? is he ok?" my mind was racing all i remember was sam telling me something before i blacked out.

i felt a hand on my arm "dean, calm down" he said "sam called me saying that you were hurt so me and gabe raced here and i carried you to your room and i stitched up your leg and put some medicine on the cuts on your face" i saw his body turn around and grab something off the desk "here, take this, it should help your leg" he handed me 2 Advil's and a glass of water "thanks" i said and took them in one gulp. i tried to look at cas's face but i couldn't see his face "hey, could you turn on the light, please?" i asked him, i wanted to see his face. he sat their for a second and got up slowly, he walked out my room and stood in front of my door "i will go get sam" he said and turned on the light while leaving. i layed their thinking why was he acting so weird, then i heard footsteps and i looked towards the door to see sam and gabe walk in,

sam immediately gave me a big hug "don't ever scare me like that again, got it?" i laughed and nodded my head "sam?" i asked him "why is cas and gabe still here?" sam looked at gabe standing in the door way and looked back at me "dean, i did not know how long you were going to be out for and i did not want to be alone so i asked if they could sleep over, and they said yes, me and gabe were watching The Avengers movie and cas was, getting dressed, i let him borrow a pair of pants from you is that ok? gabe is using my pajamas" i nodded my head i knew our dad was not going to come home tonight. "where is cas?" sam looked at gabe and gabe just shrugged "can you go get him?" gabe spoke up "i'll go get him!!" and raced out of the room.

sam and i sat their for a good 30 seconds until we heard 2 pairs of foot steps coming up the stairs and i saw gabe walk in the room and cas popped his head in, (so i could not see his body, only his head) "cas? what are you doing? get in here i want to thank you" i said to him while chuckling a little. i thought maybe he was uncomfortable in my room, but when he stood fully in front of my door i knew why he was uncomfortable "sam, gabe could i talk to cas alone  please" they both nodded their heads and walked out the door and shut it, i could hear them giggling, from outside the door.

"dean, i'm fi-" i cut him off "bullshit cas" i sat up on my bed he looked down at the ground "who did it?" i asked him "nobody of your concern" he said i got angry i felt like i HAD to protect cas, and from the look of those scars, i was not doing a very good job. "cas...i'm not mad at you, i want to help, now who did it?" he looked at his feet " uncle, the one i told you about before" i shook my head "come here" he slowly inched forward "cas, i'm not going to hurt you, just come here" he walked faster to my bed until he was standing right in front of me. i made him kneel in front of me so we were face to face and i grabbed his left arm while looking at the scars, he looked back into my eyes and i traced my hand over the scars on his arm "were these from your uncle?...and don't lie to me cas" he was still staring at me and i looked straight into his eyes and i saw he was tearing up i heard him choke up a little and he closed his eyes with a tear drop escaping and running down his cheek he shook his head and covered his hands with his face and began to cry. i got off the bed and hugged him tight "cas, it's ok, it's ok, i am going to help you, and i won't leave you...just please don't do it anymore, please, for me...ok cas?" cas looked at me and choked out "i-i will try dean" he sniffed and cried a little more.

i just held him until he stopped and i knew we both have had an emotional night so i asked him "so, do you want to watch The Avengers?" he smiled a little and nodded his head. we both walked down the stairs and gabe and sam's heads quickly turned towards us and i am sure they were wondering why cas looked like he had been crying, but they didn't say anything so neither did we. we both sat next to eachother on the couch and soon cas fell asleep and his head was resting on my shoulder, so once the movie was done gabe got the little couch and i layed cas down on the bigger couch and put a blanket over him while sam gave a blanket to gabe, after that me and sam went to bed, even though i did not sleep much that night, i knew cas was ok now  but i couldn't help but think of why an amazing, and beautiful guy like cas would hurt his precious skin, it was at that moment i realized 'oh my god' i thought to myself 'i think i might have i crush on cas,but am i gay? no...right? i don't know it's just's just cas...hes...perfect...yeah...perfect.'

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