Present Day

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"I remember that time one of you punched Petel Ceres, the famous footballer, in the face. Is that how you became famous?" the presenter arches an eyebrow.

"It was fucking blown out of proportion," Sveta rubs her eyes. "But we'll probably explain the details later, if you ask nicely."

Which she says only as a formality. The presenter wants to act like their story is some fresh new thing that can be heard for the first time, to understand who killed The Anti.

And perhaps it is true, in a way. It's the first time it is acknowledged live that the story can be said from their point of views as well. But how the story went -- the whole world knows, or has at least an inkling.

"I don't think it's the violence that made us famous," Logar unexpectedly says. "There's too much of it, everywhere. We weren't even that much violent, compared to what's out there. It was our genuinity, I think, that made us famous. No one had ever crashed a party like that looking like shit. No one had ever grabbed the mic and said what they really thought. No girl had ever thrown the very concept of the chauvinism of the bachelor parties right in the bachelor's face like Sveta did. And remember, we didn't exactly agree with Toutatis. We didn't leave the house planning a revolution. We were just ourselves, which was what pissed them off the most."

"Well said," Sveta replies. Percie nods.

"I finally found one thing you all agree on," the presenter comments, excited. "Something to write home about."

"No, if anyone writes about this," Logar says with a smirk. "I want them to say that we were naughty, naughty boys."

"We can still be," Sveta replies, but she's unsure. She's deciding if she should please her friends most, or the audience.

"Today we'll be good," Logar explains. "Which will make us very naughty, because we won't give Mister Presenter what he wants."

The presenter becomes red in the face. "Me? N-no... I'm... just..." 

He chuckles.

"I wonder," Sveta says aloud. "If Jonath was someone from The Wizard of Oz, I mean, according to The Anti, who would he be? He surely didn't take Lix's place as the Lion. He's too brave. Too gutsy."

"He would be someone who thinks they aren't worth a damn, but are worth more than the rest of the group," Logar declares. Sveta looks a little confused. Logar has paid compliments to Jonath before, but not like that.

"That's not how it works in groups," Percie gets heated. "Everyone is important, everyone is worth a damn...!"

"We were the worst kind of group," Logar replies with a little smile. "Terrorists who didn't want to be. And I don't say it often, but you were the best of the worst, Percie and Sveta. You really were."

"Moving on from this heartwarming quote, said by a notorious hypocrite," the presenter comments cheerfully. "I remember one of you said The Anti was the worst thing to happen to the world.'"

"Maybe Lix, you know," Percie says. "She died."

"I don't think I ever watched any of our interviews with her in it, so I wouldn't know," Logar has to say. Sveta shakes her head as well.

"Well, I've read her book," she adds. "But it's a strange book. I would have never guessed Lix thought things of that sort..."

"Strange?" Logar asks, but Sveta doesn't reply.

"Of course the quote is from Logar," she says. "It's too easy. He was the only one who really did abhor everything The Anti did."

"Was I wrong?"

"No. I don't think you were. I just wish I could have seen through it," Sveta says.

She was born with nothing, and after years of tribulation, she still has nothing, her only legacy being a teenage terrorist.

However, for the people she met along the way, if she could turn back, she wouldn't change a thing.

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