02 | do I remember how to flirt?

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WE WALK DOWN TO the next bar—well I hobble there with the assistance from JJ—and manage to get in despite it being a busy Friday night with no reservations. Now I think about it, I am gasping for another alcoholic drink and those sambuca shots I've been promised.

I perch on the edge of the chair, JJ reluctantly lets go of my arm in case I fall head first into the table. My lips twitch and I offer him a smile, kicking off my shoes beneath the table.

"I didn't think the bouncer was going to let me in," I admit, swiping my curly blonde hair from my face.

JJ's dark brows furrow and he leans on his elbows. "Why? Wait... God. Please don't tell me you're still in school or something."

I tilt my head and push down a laugh. "No, because I look like an extra from The Walking Dead with this broken heel. And I'm way past school, I left sixth form three years ago."

He looks relieved and I can't help but release a chuckle, even when he fake wipes sweat from his forehead. "Not going to lie, don't think he was looking at your wobbly foot. I can tell you that."

My eyes narrow on his but he's smiling like nothing is wrong. Even though they're blue like the middle of the ocean, they should look soft and inviting but I can see this mischievous glimmer behind his stare. "I don't know if that's an insult or a compliment."

JJ leans in closer and I glance at his arms. My gaze floats down to the watch on his wrist, then the silver rings on his long yet full fingers. Men who know how to dress and accessorise themselves need to be appreciated, especially with the nose ring. It's doing too much for me.

His eyes sparkle or maybe it's the one cocktail I've already drunk and the mood lighting. I don't know. "Compliment, princess."

"No," I wave my finger in front of his face, he stares back at my hand and pushes back into his seat. "No. No. You can't call me princess when we've just met."


"Because this is not a date."

JJ chews on the inside of his lip and then has the audacity to smirk. Why is he smirking right now?

"Is it not?"

I lean back in my chair and comfortably fold my arms across my chest with pure confidence. "No. It is simply two people having a drink together because both of their days have been tragically shit and need fixing with some alcohol. And adequate company."

JJ's eyebrows shoot wide but he's not annoyed at my comment, if anything he's chuckling. "Adequate company?"

"I said what I said."

Arms are still crossed and I have no idea why I'm having a pathetic standoff with him. Probably because he's one of the most attractive people I've seen in this town after two years and he wants to go for a drink with me?

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