46 | it's serious?

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It feels weird being out without Finn, knowing he's at home and we're here. But he wanted to test himself and prove that he doesn't need to give into his alcohol cravings. I'm proud of him and I need to tell him more.

I realise how hard this must be for him. I felt guilty but I know this is something he needs to do so he can find a piece of his sanity again.

The beer that sits in front of me makes my stomach ache I feel so bad. I know Finn will get better, I know he will find light at the end of the tunnel because he is strong and I believe in him.

I just hope that he can believe in himself.

"Man, I really don't want to go back to University," Joe huffs as he sips on his drink.

My head nods automatically. "Same," I admit. "One last year and I'm done though. It can't come soon enough."

"Look after Finn this year, won't you?" Cal says and I tilt my head.

"As always."

He smiles back at me. I can tell he's grateful. "He needs as much support as he can get."

"I'm glad he has you," Joe comments. "You're a good friend, JJ."

Warmth glows in my chest. I'd like to think that I am a good friend. I know what it's like to be alone and suffer with whatever is going on in your life and now I refuse to let anyone I'm close with go through the same thing.

Joe's eyes flick past my shoulder. "Oh, fucking no."

I twist to see Finn approaching us and I sigh. His face is struck with a look of anger, brows pinching together I can see all the creases in his forehead. "It's barely been an hour!" Cal shouts as he approaches but he doesn't look at them, he keeps his eyes on me.

Finn's body looms over mine as I sit on the bench, his chest heaving with a new found fury that I haven't seen before. "What's up?"

"Are you in love with my sister?"

I don't miss the way Joe and Cal share a glance with one another but I try to ignore them. Shit. He knows.

"What?" Joe blurts out but Finn doesn't take his eyes off me for a second.

His jaw tightens and I see how it ticks. "Are you in love with my sister?"

The loudness of his voice gains us some attention and I wish we weren't doing this right now. I stand from the bench and advance on his height. His fists tighten at his sides as he waits for a response.

Ivy must have said something and by the looks of things, it didn't go down well.

"Tell me," Finn snaps, his tone heavy.

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