20 | i dare you

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WATCHING IVY WALK AWAY FEELS LIKE THE MOST painful form of torture, the look of hurt and vulnerability that crossed her eyes circulates in my brain on repeat. I notice that she wraps herself up in her cardigan, something she does when she's trying to cower away from something. Her own emotions.

I turn back to Daisy who is now latching onto me, stumbling about in her drunken state. Her cup sloshes everywhere, the liquid pouring onto the golden sand. I remove her hand and her green eyes flash with confusion.

"Why did you say that? I know you're drunk but that was totally uncalled for." I try to keep my voice as quiet as possible because I know Finn is lurking around somewhere and I don't need this broadcasted to the entire party.

Especially when I lied to Daisy. Ivy is my type. Everything about her.

Daisy scowls in my direction. "You're the one who said it. Not me." She slurs.

My stare hardens."I said it to you in confidence. I didn't even–"

"Didn't even what?" Daisy stops swaying but her eyes are partially rolling into the back of her head.

I bite down on my words and shake my head. There is no point in this. Daisy is wasted and I don't need her causing a scene, not when I know that Ivy is upset from what she said–because of what I said. That's what kills me the most.

"Forget it," I grumble before turning away from her.

My eyes search for Ivy amongst the crowds of people, I dart from the drinks table to the logs. Then I glance up at the road and find Ivy's blonde hair flapping in the wind, her back to me. I feel my jaw tense when I spot Isaac in front of her, his facial expression is soft and his eyes are kind-hearted.

He raises his hands to her face and rubs his thumbs against her cheeks.

Shit. Is she crying?

I stop my footsteps, my feet sinking further into the sand. From this distance I can't see what Isaac is saying but he's smiling at her, continuing to wipe her face. After a few moments he beckons his head towards the road and she walks with him to his car, it seems like she's apprehensive at first but she joins him after a few moments.

My fists clench beside me. Fuck, fuck. What have I done?

I told Daisy that Ivy wasn't my type because I didn't want her getting suspicious of my attention towards her, that I can't seem to not look at her when she's in the same space as I am. That I said it stupidly to make myself feel better about the whole situation.

This has backfired majorly and now I don't know what the fuck to do.

My heart crumbles as I remember Ivy days ago sobbing in my arms, unable to catch her breath and now I'm the one to create them this time. I chew on my lip and glance around the party, Daisy is already speaking with another group and Finn is chatting with some girl on the logs.

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