Chapter Twenty Nine

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"I want to be your soulmate, even if I don't believe in them."

-Colleen Hoover


"Get that freak away from me!" Ada yelled, batting Chris away when he went in for a hug. "Of all the people in town, you just had to pick him?" She scowled at Dean who seemed utterly baffled.

"Um, sorry? What's going on?" Dean looked around, unsure.

"We," Ada yanked herself away from Chris and came to stand between Scarlett and I, "Have met before."

"No shit." Mumbled Scar, completely uninterested as she was used as a human sheild. "I meant how does he know Fawn?"

Chris and I looked at each other from across the bench, making eye contact. He seemed so carefree and happy, it was easy to see how Dean had befriended him. They were similar in a lot of ways. "I should probably tell you guys." He started, saving me from further embarrassment. "I'm actually Tyler's brother."

"What?" Everyone gasped. "Since when did he have a brother?" Scar wondered outloud. Dean just shrugged and sat next to me from where I had perched myself on the bench. His large frame towered over mine, and his thigh pressed against mine. I turned to smile at him and scooted up a bit, making room, but he just shrugged further into the seat, causing our legs to touch once more.

"It's a long story." Chris sighed, stealing one of Ada's chips. It was a miracle she didnt strangle him for doing so, but she seemed too preoccupied in his story. Everyone was listening intently, eager to know more about the office delinquent. "Basically there was a fire, downtown, our mother died and I left to do my own thing for a while. That's why you've never seen me around. I dont talk to the rest of our family, just Tyler, so he probably hasn't mentioned me."

"Well of course not." Dean laughed and the sound boomed across the field. "How exactly would he be able to tell us anyway, the guys not exactly a big talker."

I choked on my water, remembering at the same time as Chris that these guys thought Tyler was mute. Luckily Chris seemed to think fast, and covered up his little mistake. "Of course, that's not what I meant haha. Nevermind." He went for another one of Ada's chips, this time receiving a slap almost immidiately after his hand was raised. He stood no chance. "It's nice to meet you all anyway."

That was all it took for everything to return to normal, I shared my lunch with Chris and talked to him about our project at work, gaining his interest when he learned that Tyler was my partner. Scar and Ada continued moaning about Dean's obsession with monochrome, eventually diverting to a conversation of their own.

I shivered when a cold breeze ran across my back, wishing I had brought a thicker jumper. I turned to find Dean already looking at me, a funny expression across my face. "Is my sunshine cold?" He smirked down at me, beginning to shrug off his hoodie. I felt a blush cover my face, about to reassure him I would be fine, he was always trying to give me his hoodies and jackets. "Don't be silly Fawn, I'll always be here to take care of you. You're my sunshine." He nudged me and pulled his sweatshirt from his head. Feeling slightly embarrased, I tried to decline his offer. I wasn't sure how to act, now that Tyler and I were a thing. I wasn't the most experienced person in the world when it came to dating, but I knew that it would feel wrong to accept his hoodie.

Luckily I was saved by my new friend, as Chris shoved a jacket in my face. "Don't worry, I always carry a spare with me." He grinned at me. "You can put your hoodie back on Dean, I got sunshine covered." He smirked at Dean, causing him to frown. It confused me slightly, why did he look so annoyed? I turned to look at Chris who just continued to grin at me like a small child, urging me to wear the jacket. I placed it round my shoulders, and was surpised to find a familiar scent envelope me. It was one of Tyler's jackets, I was sure of it! Chris must have known I would be here, and had saved me from embarrassment.

"Whatever." Dean grumbled, turning to talk to Ada about something to do with work. I turned back to Chris, an eyebrow raised.

"You're rather s-s-sneaky." I giggled at him. Letting him finish my food.

He just shrugged at me. "Hey don't blame me! This was all Tyler's idea." He pointed at the jacket on my shoulders and laughed. I just stared at him in utter shock. It seemed that Tyler was looking out for me in many different ways. It was actually rather cute of him. I clutched the jacket to myself, grinning sheepishly.

"What's got you all smiley?" Said Scarlett, causing all eyes to turn to me.

I just shook my head and acted confused. I hadn't even considered telling them about Tyler. I wasn't sure what to say. Luckily I didn't have to say anything.

"Oh! I almost forgot to say." Chris interrupted me once again. It seemed he was my knight in shining armour today. "To answer your lovely question earlier. I am indeed single!" He wiggled his eyebrows causing me to laugh and Ada to choke on her drink.

I think Chris was quickly becoming one of my favourite people.

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