Chapter Thirty Six

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"I've never had a moment's doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life."

- Ian McEwan, Atonement


Tyler's POV

"Dean won't stop calling me." Chris moaned, tapping furiosly at his phone. We were hidden in the shadows, standing several feet away from the warehouse.

"Turn off your fucking phone then." I scolded him, throwing my jacket into a nearby shrub. I had turned my phone off the minute we left Fawn's, not wanting to see her texts. We had to move fast, so I was taking every precaution. "We got about five minutes, before they switch."

I had been watching the men at the back entrance of the warehouse. It was the same guys as always, Clint and Nick. They were lazy sons of bitches, but my dad would know the second anything happened to them.

Plus, they had kids.

I secured the gun tightly to my belt, feeling its weight hang limp. This wasn't my first time using a gun, I knew what damage it could do. My mother was a prime example of that, and this time I had somewhere to return to, someone to cherish. I couldn't throw it all away. I would only use it if I absolutely had to.

"So we go in, get the files, and then get the frick out." Chris whispered.

I nodded. "No shots fired unless you have to. Got it?"

"Of course." He nodded, turning serious. I felt bad for dragging him back into this mess, he had spent his whole life battling to get out, and now he was risking everything for me.

"Be safe okay?" I grabbed him tight. "Remember the plan. If you stick to it, then everything will be fine."

"I know, I know." He waved me off, hyping himself up. "We got this bro." He grinned.

"Damn right." I nodded, heading towards the door. The men were about to go for a smoke break, and we had about sixty seconds to get in unnoticed. The second I saw Nick's head turn, I signalled to Chris to move. We scaled the wall and slid around the side, careful not to make a sound, and waited. I held my breath, knowing one mistake would cost me everything, and began to move across the hall, checking over my shoulder to make sure Chris was doing the same.

We bolted up the steps, climbing onto the balcony where most of my dads men were playing cards and smoking. Chris saluted me as he turned right, hiding out of sight before heading down to the room witht the files. I turned left and headed into my father's office, going for the jackpot.

I waited a moment, pressing myself against the door, and listened. Once I was sure it was empty I twisted the doorknob, and crept inside. My heart was pounding in my chest, and all I could think about was Fawn. Safe and sound at home. I was doing this for her, and she was everything to me.


Fawn's POV

"What do we have here?" The balding man smirked at me. He looked me up and down slowly, making me shiver in disgust, and yanked me closer. "Clint, come look at this!" He cackled, calling over his friend. The other man came over slowly, a blunt in his mouth and a gun in his hand. "Boss is gonna be happy with this!" They cried.

"Bring her inside Nick." The other man prodded. "If boss knows we went for a smoke break, we're dead." The man grabbed me by the back of my neck before I could move, and yanked me over to the large warehouse infront of me. "Hey boss! Look what we found!" I let out a small squeak.

"What the fuck do you two want?" A familiar voice spoke. I whipped my head round, trying to see what was going on, and who this so called 'boss' was. The minute Tyler's dad make eye contact with me he grinned, dropping the blunt in his mouth and stepping on it, before cracking his knuckles. "Ah, bambi! So good you could join us."

Oh no. I scratched and clawed at the men holding me, but they didn't budge. This couldn't be happening. I spat at their faces, tried kicking their shins, but nothing was working.

"That's quite enough." I was chucked to the ground, and grabbed by my hair as soon as I tried to run away. "Stop trying so damn hard." He growled. "It's pathetic."

"You're p-pathetic!" I yelled, inches from his face. He showed no resemblance to Tyler or Chris, with wrinkles around his face and yellow eyes. He was disgusting in every way possible. He paused, looking into my eyes.

"What did you say?"

"You h-h-heard me!" I cried, pulling myself up until I was sat on my knees infront of him, eye to eye. "You're pathetic. "

"Aww look boss." The two men beside me laughed quietly. "I think she's going to c-c-c-c-c-cry." They mocked my stutter, and it took every bit of self restraint to keep myself from looking away. I wasn't going to show fear. I lived most of my life hiding behind my stutter. But today was not the day. I had to be strong, not only for Tyler, but for myself.

"Lock her up. We'll save the real fun for when lover boy gets here." They grinned, grabbing my shoulders and locking my arms behind my back in a tight grip. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from crying out, since it really frickin hurt, and soon I felt the taste of iron in my mouth from biting so hard.

I was shoved into a room and tied to a sharp metal chair, the ties pulling at my joints. My mouth was taped with duct tape and my ankles were tied together. I was trapped. The only thing keeping me from breaking down was knowing that somewhere, hidden, were Chris and Tyler. They had to be here somehwere. They had to find me.

Tyler was going to be so mad.


Tyler's POV

I had searched every inch of my father's office but I couldn't find a key anywhere. It must be around here somewhere. I gritted my teeth and continued to look. I heard a brief commotion coming from below, and paused momentarilly. I didn't give one fuck about what was going on out there, so long as no one came into the office. Luckily, the only person who knew the code to the room was my father. And, of course, myself. It was my mother's birthday, after all. The sound stopped after a few minutes, it was probably my father just reprimanding one of his men.

I tried the drawers at his desk, with only the very bottom one opening. Inside lay a few old photos of my father, with his old friends, and one of my mother. I picked the polaroid up, running my fingers over the image, before placing it back as carefully as I could. As I went to close the drawer I realised that the photo was actually stuck to another, so I pulled them apart as gently as I could. I dropped the photo as soon as I saw it. It was of me. The picture was taken several years ago, before everything had gone to shit. I had won a football game at school, and my parents had come to congratulate me. We went for pizza afterwards, where the photo was taken, and I had a stupid fucking grin on my face. We had been happy, once.

I bent down to grab the dusty polaroid from where it had fallen under the desk, and couldn't stop myself from gasping. There, taped to the underside of my father's desk, was his key.


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