Chapter Thirty Seven

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"If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind."

-Shannon L. Alder


Fawn's POV

I had gotten one finger free, and was furiously licking at the tape over my mouth, trying to remove it. All I had to do was get one arm free, that was all I needed to get out of this mess. It had been twenty minutes already, and I was beginning to lose hope. What if Tyler was never here? I had to be prepared to fight my way out of this. It was, after all, my own stupid fault for ending up here. I may not have been strong, but I could run like hell, and that was what I planned to do as soon as I could get myself loose.

With a groan I spat the tape out of my mouth, inhailing a large breath of air, and blowing my bangs out fo my face. They clung to my sweaty forehead as I continued to wriggle my fingers. Atleast I could breathe now. "Finally."

I seemed to be locked in an old storage room, one that clearly wasn't used very often. It stunk of damp wood, mixed with mould and sweat, and the floor was covered in dust. The rusty chair creaked as I wiggled some more, causing me to freeze in horror. I waited several moments, watching the shadows of the feet, peeking out from below the door and seeing if they moved. Nick was stationed outside the room, talking to his buddy while they waited.

Once I was sure he hadn't heard me, I continued wiggling my hands, getting yet another finger free, however this caused my fingers to be spread so far apart that my whole arm cramped up.

Ow, ow, ow.

I doubled over in pain, trying to twist my arms back into a comfortable position, but they remained strained against my back, aching horribly.

"Noo, nonono please d-don't do this to me n-now." I whispered, struggling, and suddenly causing the chair to crumble under me. I was forced onto my side, my arms taking must of the impact. It made a sudden bang, and in seconds I knew I was done for. Tears sprang to my eyes as I saw the feet move from outside the door, this was it, they would come for me, and kill me in some horrible way. It was over.

I closed my eyes and braced for impact. There was a pause.

"Fawn?" I paused at the voice, creaking one eyelid open. I gasped.


"What are you doing here?" We both spoke at the same time.

"You're not meant to be here." He mumbled to himself and crept into the room, dragging something behind him. I lifted my head from where it lay squished on the ground, freezing when I found the limp bodies of Nick and Clint being shoved against the wall. "They're not dead, by the way, I just knocked them out." He grinned cheekily. I breathed a sigh of relief, happy to see my friend, and he made quick work of untying me.

I rubbed my hands together gleefully when I was free, and went to hug my rescuer, but his arms grabbed me instead. "You didn't answer my question. What are you doing here Fawn?"

"You just left." I sighed. "I thought you guys left me for d-dead."

"You should know we would never do that!" He scowled. "This whole plan was meant to keep you safe. If Tyler finds out you're here, the whole thing is screwed. " He grunted and checked the door to see if anyone was coming, grabbing my hand. "Listen to me Fawn. He can't know you're here. No matter what."

"What?" I scrunched my brows, confused.

"The second he finds out you're in danger, the whole plan is done for. He will be too distracted to concentrate." I shook my head but he shook me. "We've got this handled okay? Just trust us, we have enough evidence to put this guy behind bars for life. Just let us finish what we started. It's nearly done. Trust me. You've got to go now." He pushed me out the door and along the corridoor, stopping to wait as men passed us. We hid behind open doors and behind piles of boxes scattered around, with Chris practically shoving me into nooks and crannies to hide me.

"Why aren't y-you hiding?" I whisper yelled.

"I haven't been here for years." He dragged me down another hallway and into a small kitchenette. "Not a single person here recognises me, they just think I'm here for the same reason as everyone else." He chuckled. "It's genius really. There's so many of them, they don't even know the difference."

"Where are w-we going?" I stumbled down a stairway and found myself infront of a fire exit. Chris tried to shove me forward, but I refused to budge. "Tell me the t-truth."

"You need to run, okay Fawn. Run as fast as you fucking can. Get as far away as possible, and do not come back. I'll come get you when everything is done. Okay?" He tried pushing me forward.

"No, it's not okay!" I brushed him off. "What if something b-bad happens? I can't just l-leave you guys."

"Sure you can." He opened the door and pushed me through, slamming it behind me. "Now go."

I was out. I was safe. And yet I was more scared than ever.


Tyler's POV

I had done it. I had actually done it this time. The files were tucked against my chest, and I was leaving the office. All I had left to do now was get the fuck out of here. I just hoped Chris had everything handled on his side of things.

I quietly locked the door behind me, going into a crouch so that the men below the railing wouldn't see me. I made sure my hoodie was secured around my face, with the filed held tight in the pockets. I crept along the walkway and looked for Chris, waiting for his signal. We had agreed to find each other when we had secured the files, in one of the storage rooms on the top floor. I was out quicker than I had expected, so I was hoping Chris would appear any minute now.

I was trying to pick the lock of an empty storage room when I saw a blonde head of curls heading towards the kitchenette on the lower floor, causing me to pause. Why the fuck was he down there? Something was wrong.

I froze when I saw the brunette with him, recognizing Fawn instantly, and that was when my entire world fell apart.

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