Chapter Thirty Four

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He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.

-Leo Tolstoy.


Fawn's POV

I woke up slowly, feeling the sun on my face. It danced across my skin, tracing the soft silk sheets, and wrapped itself over my shoulders. I sighed blissfully. My clothes remained scattered on the floor, exactly where they had been flung to the previous night, and my hair lay a tangled mess. I smiled at the memory of the previous night.

I smiled and reached my hand out, to where Tyler lay on the sheets next to me, but was met with cold material. I froze, and slowly turned to see the space next to me empty. He was gone.

"Tyler?" I called. "Chris?" I sat up, suddenly aware of how quiet the house was. "Guys?" I yelled.

No. No, this couldn't be happening.

But I was right. They were gone.


Tyler's POV

I woke up smiling, remebering the night before. It had been amazing. She was amazing. I allowed myself a moment to lie there next to her, enjoying the smell of her room, of Fawn, and pretending that everything was fine. But it wasn't fine, I realised with a sigh. Everything was fucked, and I was running out of time.

I allowed myself to look at her one more time, before getting dressed and leaving her room silently.

Chris was waiting patiently downstairs, and smiled at me sadly when I came into view. "You okay?" He asked, sliding a mug of coffee towards me. "Never been better." I muttered sarcastically, taking a large sip and allowing the scalding liquid to burn my throat. The pain snapped me out of my daydream, and brought me back to reality.

I had to do this. It was now or never.

"So what's the plan? The real plan?" Chris asked, looking at me. He had always looked up to me, always trusted me so easily. I never truly understood why, I was just a messed up kid at the time, but he had followed me without hesitating. Even after all these years he was still doing the same, looking to me for answers.

I looked at him from across the table, taking a deep breath and clinging to the mug infront of me. "We're going inside." I spoke, loud and clear. "We're gonna ambush him."

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?" He laughed at me, receiving a glare in return. "I don't even remember the layout of that place. It's been years."

"Well I know it like the back of my hand." I muttered. "Every entrance and every exit. Every room and every floor of that place. I know it. I can get us in and out. Unseen."

"Okay." He nodded, anxious. "Let's just say you get us in, unharmed, and miraculously no one notices. Then what?"

"Then," I smirked, "We steal the files." I grinned now that I revealed my true plan to him.

"What?" He blinked at me, once twice and then a third time. The room was silent. "I don't get it."

Well that was fucking anticlimactic.

"We take the files. THE files." I raised my brows at him, waiting for it to click. " All the documentation for all the crazy shit he's been doing. We take it all. And we put him behind bars, for good."

It took a few moments, but he got there eventually. I could tell when realisation hit. "Oh! Oh THOSE files." He wiggled his eyebrows at me goofily. "Okie dokie. Then what?"

"For fucks sake." I shook my head and groaned. "We give them to the police. Anonomously." I made sure to be crystal clear. "He will be done for." I smirked. "And Fawn will be safe."

"Damn right." Chris grinned, patting me on the shoulder. "I think we got ourselves a plan."

"Fucking finally." I sighed in satisfaction, putting my mug in the sink and shrugging into my coat. We didn't have long until Fawn woke up, and we needed to be gone when she did. I couldn't have her knowing where I was, or putting herself in danger. As long as she was here, at home, she was safe. It was up to her whether she would take me back or not afterwards. "Lets go." I pointed towards the door and grabbed the last of my things, hearing Chris close the door quietly behind him.

"Are you sure we should leave her?" He called, one last time before the door clicked behind him.

"Of course I'm fucking sure. Dont be a dick." I spat at him.

"Fine! Okay. Don't bite my head off." He moaned. "Oh, and Tyler? One more thing." He called, halfway down the block.

"What is it now?" I sighed, exasperated and turned to him angrily.

"Um- your shirt's buttoned all wrong." He snickered, causing a large blush to cover my face. "Fuck." I muttered, hurriedly fixing it as I walked down the street. He laughed from up ahead, loving my embarrassment.


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