Chapter Thirty Eight

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"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. "

-Mark Twain


Tyler's POV

I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. The fuck was he doing? I saw Chris shove her outside, shutting the door as quietly as possible. He headed back along the corridor once she was out, walking in my direction before looking up.

We made direct eye contact, causing his face to crumble. I saw him curse, looking nervous.

Damn right he better be nervous, what was she doing here?

"You okay?" He mouthed at me, nonchalantly walking down the corridoor to where I stood. I envied him being able to move undetected.

I held the files up, looking him up and down in a panic. I couldn't see if he had anything on him what if he hadn't got the papers? We had to get this done, right the fuck now, or we would never have a chance. Sensing my fears he opened up the side of his jacket, revealing a packet of paper. Thankgod.

"Sup brother. We all done here?" He smiled at me, sheilding me with his body as we speedwalked down the hall towards our escape route. He didn't want me to ask about Fawn, I could tell, but it was too late.

"The fuck is going on?" I grabbed him by the ear, making him cry in pain. I checked no one heard before yanking him into a supply closet. I spotted a chair and some rope on the floor, someone must have been in here earlier. I turned back to Chris. "Why was she here? Don't fuckin play dumb. I'm stressed enough as it is."

"Long story." he wouldn't look me in the eye. "It's quite funny actually." I stepped towards him, raising a fist, so he quickly rattled out the remaining details. "Okay-okay fine! She followed us. I didn't know she was here, I swear, but then I found her tied to a chair in the stor-"

I clenched my fist. "WHAT-"

"I probably should have left that part out." He rubbed his forehead and toyed with his jacket zipper. "Look, she's fine now, I told her to get away from here. Speaking of, we should probably do the same."

"If anything happens to her you're dead." I grunted, looking through the crack of the door to check no one was nearby. It was time to leave. "Let's go." I stepped out from behind the door the exit about ten feet in front of us. We were moments away from freedom. 

I reached for the handle of the door, about to push it open, when I realised there was no one behind me. "Chris?" I stopped and whispered, waiting, hoping, begging for my brother to reply. The reply never came. Slowly, too slowly, I turned around, and what I saw made my stomach drop. "Chris."

My brother stood, just outside of the storage room, his eyes on mine. At first glance he appeared to be fine, just stood looking at me. But then I saw the blood leaking from his chest, and the pain in his eyes. "Go." He mumbled tiredly, just before falling to the floor. My father stood behind him, a knife in his hands.

"Well hey there, long time no see!" He spat at the floor, and grinned at me, wiping the blood from the knife on his pant leg.

I didn't know what to do.


Fawn's POV

My knee was bleeding. It was too dark to see where I was going so I had tripped several times, scraping my skin. The cuts stung, and the material of my jeans stuck to the bloody flesh.

I wanted to cry.

I hoped the guys were doing okay. What if Tyler saw me? Or if Chris got hurt? I turned to look back at the warehouse, barely visible by this point, and debated going back. My heart hammered in my chest, and my hands had gone numb from the cold night air. I looked a mess.

I tripped once again, and hit the floor with a thud. Ouch. I still couldn't see anything, but I must have tripped over something. I looked at where I had stood moments ago, being met with the pitch black. I could hear the sound of crickets, hiding in the grass somewhere, but there were no sounds of cars or civilisation. I was alone, tired, and worried for Tyler and Chris.

I didn't know what to do.


Tyler's POV

Chris groaned from where he lay on the floor, his eyes scrunched in pain. I stepped towards him, to stop the bleeding, whatever I could do to help, but my father stepped between us and blocked my path. He nudged the body with his foot, making Chris cry out. "You bastard!" I yelled at him, watching my brother squirm in agony.

"Oh relax," my father groaned. "There's still plenty of time to save him. He'll be fine, so long as you give  those files back to me." He pointed at my chest with the bloody knife, to where the files lay clutched to my chest. I stared at him, hoping to find a fault in his plan, anything I could use against him, but he was firm. We were well and truly screwed.

"How do I know you won't kill him?" I looked him up and down. If I could distract him quickly enough then I could reach for the gun in my pocket. I just needed a moment. "I could give you the files and you could still let him die."

"You have my word, son."

"Your word doesn't mean shit." I spat, trying to keep him talking. I just needed a chance to take a clear shot. "You'll have to do better than that."

"Are you sure you want to be playing games with me? Chris is running out of time. If I were you I would take the deal." He grinned at me, showing his rotting teeth, and moved his finger in a come hither formation. I was ashamed to be related to such a pig. "Chop chop."

I stopped him, holding up the files. "Alright alright. Relax. You can have your damn files."

"Good boy." He smirked at me, reaching for the folders. It was now or never, I realised, so I took my chance. I reached behind me while he was distracted, about to grab the folder in my hand. I grabbed my gun, pulling it from my jeans and aiming it forward. I placed it against his chest and and clicked the safety off.

"Nice try, motherfucker. " I grinned, smiling down at Chris from where he squinted up at me. I waited for my father to argue, for his facade to crack, but it never did. I waited and waited, for any sign of struggle, any admittions of defeat, but there was none. I was missing something.

"She's a real beauty isnt she?" He started. I blinked at him, confused. Was he talking about the gun? He rolled his eyes at me. "Not the gun you idiot. That girl of yours."

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