Chapter Eighteen

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Hey guys, I hope you are having a great week and are enjoying the book so far. Please remember to vote! X

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

-Oscar Wilde


Tyler's Pov Continued

2 days later

I awoke to a loud banging noise. The shitty air mattress of the motel I was laying on groaned in protest as I moved to sit up, immediately on alert.

What the fuck was that?

"Tyler open the door goddamnit!" A small voice called out.

What the hell?

I raised an eyebrow and waited a moment, simply staring at the peeling paint on the wooden door. It was held shut by several chains and locks, but I knew if enough force was applied it could come crumbling down in a matter of seconds. I didn't have much, but I made it work. When I turned eighteen I had brought the shitty apartment, providing me with a breif respite from my father.

"Have you gone fucking deaf or something mate? Open the damn door!" I froze in a crouching position, recognizing the voice instantly.

"Chris?" I started unlocking the door. My gaze met a pair of bright green eyes.

"Finally you moron. I've been stood out here freezing my ass off for the past ten minutes!" The slightly shorter frame of the boy brushed past me and plonked itself down onto the mattress, causing it to groan yet again. "Five more minutes and my nuts would have fallen off." He laid back exaggeratedly.

"Give it a rest." I ran my fingers through my hair frustrated. How the fuck did this guy manage to find me? Since the only space in the room was occupied I decided to hover by the door, slowly locking the chains one by one until I could feel my racing heartbeat begin to calm. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"So many questions!" Chris whined. "So much for the warm welcome." His blond curly hair flopped in front of his face but he was too lazy to move it. He smirked at me and I was reminded of our childhood growing up together on the streets. His green eyes shone with mischief. "I missed you brother."

"Are you in trouble or something?" I questioned suspiciously.

"I can tell you missed me too. " He placed his hands behind his head and stretched out. I flinched when his back cracked but he paid no attention.

"I'm being serious Chris."

"So am I! I can tell someone hasn't been getting their beauty sleep so I can only assume it's because you missed me." He brushed invisible crumbs from his shirt and walked over to me. I raised an eyebrow suspiciously as he entered my personal space. "Look at that face! " He cried. "I'm definitely getting you some moisturizer, you look like you've aged ten years since I last saw you."

"Quit being so fucking dramatic."

"You could use a haircut too, you're starting to look like a hobo."

"Piss off."

"Love you too bro." He slung an arm around me, having to make himself taller to do so. "So... What have I missed?"

"Not much."

"You are the world's worst liar." He chuckled, plucking a piece of gum from his pocket and beginning to chew it. He offered me a piece of the bright pink gum and I declined with a glare. "Is someone having lady troubles? How's the job?"

I looked away and tried to wipe the image of Fawn's face from my head. I had to move on.

"Holy shit! Don't tell me you do have lady problems." His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head and the gum nearly fell to the floor.

"Fuck off and stop meddling in my fucking business." I shrugged his arm off of me, grunting. It was a small apartment, immidiately overcrowded by our large frames, so I gestured to move outside. Chris trailed after me, as I knew he would. I heard the door close a few moments later. 

I walked down the street, heading to the nearest convinience store. 

"Have you always had such a potty mouth?" He ran to catch up with me, his hair bouncing with every step. "Maybe that's why the ladies don't want you. That or your bad breath... you do brush your teeth right?"

"Butt out of it." 

We walked a couple of blocks away and entered a store across the street, heading straight for the drinks section. I needed a distraction, and fast. "So who is the lucky lady that has captured Tyler's blackened heart?" Chris grabbed a trolley from the front of the store and began piling candy and snacks into the cart. He also added several packs of gum when he thought I wasn't looking. "Is she cute?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"I don't want to talk about it." I sighed, looking at the options in front of me. "Its a long story and I-"


A voice cut me off mid-sentence. Fuck no. Please don't let that be who I think it is. Chris stared between me and the person at the other end of the shopping aisle.

"Whose she?"

"Whose he?"

You had to be fucking kidding me. It had only been two days.

Chris and Ada stared at each other with equally confused facial expressions. "I asked first!" Said Chris, crossing his arms over each other and leaning back onto the cart. Ada stared at him for a moment before composing herself and turning to face me.

"I thought I saw you." She muttered.

"Oh my god is this the girl!?" Chris suddenly exclaimed, making us both jump. "It's so nice to meet you, I've been waiting for this moment my whole life." He pulled Ada into a hug and practically squeezed the life out of her. If it weren't for the circumstances, the look of pure horror on her face would have made my day.

"Who the fuck is this Tyler? Get your hands off me you perv." She slapped Chris' hands from her body angrily. Ada shoved the shopping cart between the two of them as if to create some sort of barrier, before marching towards me. "Will you explain what the hell is going on? You just disappeared on Fawn, the project is due next week! And now you show up here? What the hell?"

"It's not like that-" I started before being interrupted once again. The temptation to punch my brother in the face was strong but after years of practice, I was used to his annoying behaviour.

"Oh my god is Fawn the girl!? Is she the one who's got you making the puppy eyes?" He squealed and jumped up, nearly losing the cart before grabbing the handle at the last moment. "Can I meet her? We could-"

"It's a long story. " I said to them both, cutting him short and answering Ada. "Come with me and I'll explain everything. "

"Okie dokie." Shrugged Chris, who took the cart to the till and began loading the items onto the conveyer belt while humming a tune to himself.

"I'll come so long as you keep that creep away from me." Ada called, walking to wait outside the store. "You have five minutes." She called as she placed her sunglasses over her eyes, and with that she sauntered outside.

"Merda." I muttered angrily. It seemed my problems had already caught up with me within twenty-four hours.

I just hoped I could convince Ada that I was only going to bring trouble to Fawn. I was no good for her, after all. I just needed Ada to see that.

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