Chapter Thirty Five

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"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest taken between two deep breaths."

- Etty Hillesum


Fawn's POV


Tyler was gone. He and Chris were nowhere to be seen. I had searched the whole town looking for any sign of them, of their car, of anything. But there was nothing. It seemed that Tyler was a proffesional at dissappearing. I was fuming. He was going to pay for this.

" Hey sunshine! Long time no see!" I was startled when I heard the voice come from behind me, from where I stoof outside a local cafe. "What's going on?" Dean smiled, sipping on a warm tea, steam filling the air.

"H-Hey." I waved shyly at him, not even making eye contact. I was too busy checking the cars in the parking lot. I gritted my teeth when I didn't recognise the truck. They weren't here.

"You okay? " He laughed awkwardly, pulling me out of the way of an elderly gentleman trying to go inside. "You seem a little... distracted."

"It's nothing." I shrugged him off. "How's the w-w-w-work project going?" I finally turned to smile at him.

"Not t-t-too bad." He chuckled, leaning against the brick wall behind. His large frame towered over my own, sheilding me from the cold. I hadn't even noticed how windy it was until now, and suddenly my thin sweater seemed inappropriate. "We're just adding the finishing touches. What about-"

"-Hey." I suddenly came to a realisation. "You h-havent seen Chris h-have you?"

"Chris?" Dean paused what he was doing, letting the coffee cup hang limply between us. "Um, not since the other day." I sighed, disappointed, causing him to raise his brow. "Are you sure there's nothing going on? I can try and help." He tried putting his arm around me.

"No it's f-f-fine." I shook him off. "D-Dont worry about it. "

"DEAN! Fawn! Over here." We were suddenly interrupted by my two friends, Ada and Scar. "We didn't know you would be joining us Fawn. " They smiled, coming over with two hot chocolates. "We were just on our way to the movies."

"It's okay." I shook my head. "I have t-t-t-to get going anyway."

"No! You've got to stay. It's been ages since we hung out."

"It's l-l-literally been two days." I deadpanned, laughing at them.

"You're no fun." Scar pouted, but Ada seemed curious.

She looked me up and down, seeing I was alone. "What are you doing here then? If you're not looking for us?" I gulped, usnure how to answer.

"She's lookign for Chris actually." Dean butted in, before I could speak.

"Oh." Ada seemed to accept my answer, going back to her hot chocolate.

"Why are you over here silly. He's not in town at the moment." Scarlette laughed into her drink, shaking her head like it was obvious. I snapped my head to her. "He left this morning."

"Scar." I started. "You s-s-saw him leave?"

"Duh." She sighed, still laughing. "He came by the office to grab some of Tyler's stuff. They left hours ago. Said they wouldn't be back for a while." She shrugged absentmindedly.


"Did they s-say where they were g-going?" I tried.

"No clue."

Damn it. I was running out of time.

"What's so important that you need Chris?" Dean asked, looking up from his phone. "I could always call him if you want?" I just shook my head. I had already tried callilng the both of them, to no avail. Despite my decline, Dean phoned him anyway.

"He's not picking up." He sighed, unbothered. "That's odd. He normally does."

"Can you l-l-let me know if y-you hear from him?" I asked, beginning to leave. "I really need ot talk to him. It's s-s-s-s-super imortant."

"Sure thing." My friends smiled and waved as I walked down the street, unaware of my inner termoil. Had they just left me for dead? What would happen when His dad's men turned up? Was I meant to fend for myself. I wondered, feeling utterly alone. I didn't know what to do. I had tuned the corner and had practically given up, when Dean called my name once more. "Did you try 'Find My Iphone'?" He asked, causing me to hault in my tracks.

I froze, an imaginary lightbulb going off in my head. "Dean, you're a g-g-genius." I giggled at him, grabbing my phone. This was it, the moment of truth. If I couldn't find them now, I was officially dead meat. I clicked the app icon and searched Chris' name, finding him about an hour away. My eyes lit up, relief flooding through me.

Thank god for 'Find My Iphone'.


It had been a long drive, and my eyes had begun to droop by the time I arrived at the next town over. The sun was beginning to set, and the streets were quiet. I pulled into the first parking spot I saw, anxious to find them. I wasn't sure whether to slap or hug them. They left me alone after all, but now I was safe.

I climbed out of the car, opening the app on my phone once more.

I could see where he was, about a block over, so I started heading in the general direction. I turned down a side street and checked to make sure I was walking the right way, but I had about ten seconds before Chris' little icon disappeared from the screen. I stood, confused, and waited a moment. But his face never came back. He must have switched it off. I looked up from my phone, preparing a speech in my head that I could give to Tyler when I found him, and bumped into a large frame.

"S-S-sorry." I muttered, stepping to side, but the large person stepped with me. I tried going the other way but he was quick to follow, placing his rough hand on my arm and grabbing tight.

"Well well well." He smirked, revealing rotten teeth and a dark sneer. "What do we have here?"


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