Chapter Nine

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"There is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for."

—The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien


"So," Tyler started, crossing his arms and manoeuvring himself to face me. "I've been thinking."

"Oh g-god." I muttered, physically and emotionally exhausted. "That c-c-c-cant be good." He scowled.

We were huddled together on the floor of my bathroom, after I had finally convinced Tyler to cancel the ambulance. I had only passed out for a few moments, but it had been enough to freak Tyler out again.

So he stayed with me.

I wasn't ready to let go of his shirt or stop listening to his heartbeat. It was strangely soothing, and he didn't seem to mind.

"Well, we barely know anything about each other." He pointed out.

I think he was trying to distract me, and I took notice of how he didn't mention my stutter once.

"I didn't think you n-needed to know much more about m-me."

"Sure I do. If we want this partnership agreement thingy to work then we should at least be trying to get to know each other." He twirled a strand of my hair around his finger and watched it slowly form a curl, teasing me. I flinched, turning away from him.

"I think you should g-g-g-g-go for real now." I coughed, prompting him to leave. For once he didn't argue, making his way to the door and shutting it softly behind him. I made sure to lock it this time, and then he was gone, and I was left once again to my thoughts.

It was hours later when I had finished washing the dishes and opened the fridge that I realised what I had done. "Maybe I was t-t-t-t-too harsh?" I pondered, staring at the mostly empty shelves.

Damnit Fawn.


One Week Later

I entered the office and slammed my hands down onto his desk, startling him. Tyler gave me a look of exhasperation from where he sat typing at his laptop. "You a-already know my f-full name, and my birthday is in May. Don't laugh at the irony. Um, I wear c-contacts in my eyes because I d-don't like my g-g-glasses even if they feel horrible, I moved out as soon as I got a job and I'm a-an only child." He realised what I was doing, smiling up at me. Finally I ran out of things to say crossing my arms over my chest. I hadn't thought this through, as soon as I had seen that hood of his entering the office I had speedwalked to his desk, blurting out the first things I could think of.

He looked at me as if to continue but I just gave him a weak shrug. He finally moved his eyes from me, and I tried not to let the disappointment show. "I'm sure there is more to you than just that." He paused, lost in thought for a moment. "What's your favourite movie?" He asked me as he laid back in his chair, getting comfortable and making me laugh.

"I don't r-really have one. I like superhero stuff I g-g-guess." He smirked almost instantly and I anticipated a sarcastic comment or insult. But it never came. "What is your favourite b-book?" I dared continue the conversation, ignoring the stares from my colleagues as they entered the building. 

"Of course, you would ask that." He rolled his eyes and ran a hand across his forehead. "I hate to break it to you princess but I don't read." He crossed his arms, shutting me out.

"Seriously? "I gasped in surprise. "Surely you m-must have read at l-least one b-book!?"

"Nope." He continued staring at a spot on the wall, not making eye contact with me. "Reading doesn't exactly fit in with this reputation of mine, hate to break it to you."

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