Chapter Nineteen

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"One day you will kiss a man you can't breathe without and find that breath is of little consequence."

- Karen Marie Moning, Bloodfever


Tyler's POV Continued

"So you're saying you don't want to come back?" Ada asked, leaning on the side of the store while Chris wheeled the shopping cart around the parking lot. "You're leaving her to do the project on her own?"

"She'll be better off without me." I sighed, running a hand through the tangled strands of my hair. I can't remember the last time I brushed it out. "Trust me."

"I think there's more to it than that." She scowled, analysing me. "You wanna know the first thing she said when she woke up?"

"What did she say?" Chris answered for me.

"She asked where Tyler was."

I sucked in a breath. Shit. I didn't think about how confused she must have been. Lord knows she hated social interactions, and I just left her there. "Fuck." I kicked a stone on the cement below my foot.

"You're an idiot." Ada sighed exasperatedly. "But so am I."

Now that surprised me. "What?"

"I'm not gonna stand here and pretend you're the only one in the wrong. I made mistakes too." She shrugged, and it somehow made her look human. It was somewhat relieving to see a crack in her confident facade. 

"I don't want her to forgive me. What I want is for her to be safe." I pushed away from where I was leant by the door, walking down the street and knowing they would follow. I made sure my hood concealed my face before I rounded the corner. "All I'm going to do is hurt her. You don't know my past, but it's not pretty." Chris threw me a look of pity and understanding but I shook it off. He knew exactly what I was talking about. He was there for everything after all.

"Cut the crap Tyler. You two are perfect for each other."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I raised an eyebrow at Ada. 

"Don't play dumb." She scolded. "We all see the way you look at her."

I paused, sharing a look with Chris. "Hold up. I thought you hated me."

"I did." She sighed. "But that was before I saw the look on your face the other night."

I felt a blush rising on my cheeks and was thankful that neither of them could see past my eyes. The shadows concealed the rest of me.

"What look?" Chris chirped in, rounding the corner.

"You looked," she started, staring into my eyes, "like your whole world had fallen apart."

"You got all that from my eyes?" I smirked. "Nice try but that's not what happened. Let's go, Chris." I started walking again, listening to the rhythmic sound of him chewing his gum. It must have lost its taste by now. We were nearly back at the motel when I heard her speak. I hadn't even noticed she was still with us until I removed the key from my pocket and was about to unlock the door. I had my back turned and was shuffling through my pockets.

"She's not eating."

I stopped instantly. "W-what?" I turned to face her.

"You heard me. " Ada looked deflated and had her hands in her pockets as if she was curling into herself. "She won't eat and her stutter has gotten worse from nerves. I know she's not your responsibility but you're the only person she will listen to. You have an effect on her, just like she has one on you."

What if she has another anxiety attack? I panicked. "Goddamnit." I kicked the door and kissed my teeth in anger. Chris stared at me with sad eyes, already knowing I was breaking my promise to stay away. "Where the fuck is she?"

"Where else would she be? It's a Saturday? She's home." She walked down the steps and into the distance. She didn't bother saying goodbye but it was probably better that way, at least she understood that.

"I like her." Chris chuckled. "Feisty."

"Shut your mouth." I muttered frustratedly. "She's complicated. Don't get involved."

"I'm a big boy you know. I can make my own decisions." He nudged me. "Besides, you've got your own problems to deal with."

"You brought your car?" I asked him.

"Of course. It's across the street." He threw his car keys at me and I nodded gratefully.

"Are you gonna be okay here for a while?" I tossed him the room key in return and started heading towards the car.

"I'll be fine, now go get your girl back!"

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