1st day of classes

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Clawdeen's pov:

"I can't believe it, school! Here we are, walking down a hallway with other kids like in the movies. This is so cool, Frankie." I am bursting with excitement.

Frankie seems very confused. "This is all very confusing. Most of my human parts were self-taught or grew up before schools existed. Am I walking right, high school-ish? What kind of movies did you watch to prepare for this? Also, what's a movie?"

We found our lockers. "Cool, these are our lockers."

♪ 'Cause this is who I am, this is who I am ♪

I continue, "I cannot wait to decorate mine."

♪ Someone who can understand ♪

I continue again, "I'm so happy we're locker buddies."

♪ 'Cause I can be my true self, yeah ♪

Very excitedly I say, "Look! How fun is that? A vending machine with, like, snacks. Jellied Newt Eyeballs, okay, not my jam, but still fun."

Draculaura says, "Look alive, ghouls."


♪ ♪

Me and Frankie say, "Wow."

Alexandria's pov:

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Alexandria's pov:

After going to bed with a killer headache, I woke up with a killer headache and Deuce, being the sweet boyfriend that he is, gives me a bottle of water and some pain medicine, right as Heath come up to the both of us

"Hey, broski. Alex."

Deuce says, "Hey, man." I just wave.

"What's going on?" We start having a conversation right as I hear the most annoying voice to ever exist and I groan and Deuce and Heath already know what to except. I hear Cleo say, "Lagoona, how do I look?" I hear Lagoona say, "As spooktastic as always." Cleo says, "Knew it."

Oh great Cleo comes over to us and says, "Hey, Deuce."

Deuce being nice says while putting his arm around my waist and rubbing my back, "Hey, Cleo."

Cleo being Cleo says, "Your hair is fire, Heath."

Heath being Heath says, "Thanks, totally ignited my pillow this morning. Smelled like burnt cheese."

Cleo being rude as always, "It wasn't a compliment. It's scorching my gauze. Please step back."

Heath smiles and taps my shoulder and waves and pats Deuce's shoulder. He says, "Happy to."

I sarcastically say, "Hey Alex. How was your summer Alex? Oh Cute dress Alex." Deuce smiles and kisses my forehead.

Deuce is curious about why Cleo is over here with us. "What's up?"

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