Welcome to Seabrook

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Alexandria's POV:

We notice a few things as Deuce and I walk through this unfamiliar place. We see that this town is mainly filled with humans and there are zombies too. The zombies live in houses and have "Zombietown" that is open to everyone, humans and zombies. "Hey, Lex, it's getting late. We should find a place to stay for the night. We also have to call our moms." I nod and we walk toward a cave that's close by. 

We hear growling as we near the cave and three people walk out. Correction, three wolves walk out. "What are you doing on our turf?" I look to the wolf in the middle and say, "We mean no trouble. We just got here, but we don't know how. One minute we were in the monster world, and the next we're here." I point to Deuce and I as I talk. The wolf goes to say something but is cut off by my phone ringing.

"Hello, Alexandria, where are you?" Oh, it's my mom. "Hi, mom. Deuce and I are in a place called Seabrook, we're not sure how we got here. One minute we were at the portal entrance because Deuce was leaving for the Gorgodium, and the next we were pushed through the portal by something ending up in Seabrook."

"Oh, sweetheart, you had us worried. Just stay safe and try to blend in there. I know there is a wolf pack there, be civil and try to do what you can to fit in with that pack." I nod, but realize she can't see me. "Yes, mom. We are standing with the alpha of the pack, she's around our age. I don't want to hide any part of me again. I like not having to hide my witch side." The three wolves look taken aback at that part.

"I know dear, but try for me. Deuce too. I know you are a different species than the pack there, but you're a wolf all the same. Hand the phone to Deuce, please sweetheart." I hand him the phone and he says, "Yes, momma V."

"I know this isn't what your mom wanted, but I need you to be "caged" as your mom puts it while you're there. I will try to find a way to get you two home."

"Yes, momma V, I'll try my best."

"Good, now, If possible, I would like to speak to the alpha of the pack." Deuce hands the phone to the alpha of the wolves and the alpha says, "Yes, this is the alpha, how can I help you?"

"Hi, this is Vanessa Daxton." The alpha looks at me with shock in her eyes. "As in the Queen of Wolves and the second in command of the Wolf council?"

"Yes, dear that is me. What is your name, dear?"


"Well, Willa, if it isn't too much to ask, can my daughter and her boyfriend stay with you and your pack?"

"Of course, it would be our honor."

"Good. Thank you and please look out for them for me."

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay, thank you. Goodbye." Willa hands me my phone back and says, "Like I said before, I'm Willow. To my right, is my brother Wyatt, and to my left is our packmate who we call our little sister Wynter." Deuce and I shake each of their hands. "I'm Alexandria Daxton, and this is my boyfriend, Deuce Gorgon. Yes, he is a gorgon, but he's got a strict no snake bites or turning anyone to stone policy. Thus, the slightly pretentious glasses." The three nod and lead us inside the den. 

"This is the den, more and more of our pack are getting sick. Our necklaces are almost out of power. Our necklaces are what give us our power. We need to find the moonstone. And when we do, we can recharge our necklaces and stay wolf-strong for another 100 years. We have a spare room/spot you can call yours." Deuce and I nod along following them through the den till we get to the empty room. "Thank you for letting us stay here, I know it's not always letting outsiders in your pack. We are grateful for your generosity," Deuce says as I nod along. We wave goodnight and the three wolves leave us to settle in for the night.

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