In the Witch's Coven

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Clawdeen's pov:

C: "Coleman Eves."

D: "Yo, I just saw her. She's here."

H: "Dude, I'm not arguing with you right now."

F: "Shh. You guys are being too loud."

C: "Yeah, um, just because my human senses are weak, doesn't mean they don't exist. I asked you to wait for me."

D: "Well, technically, we never agreed."

F: "We're here to help."

H: "I said this was a bad idea."

C: "Yes, it's too dangerous."

F: "That's why we're in disguise."

C: "Sunglasses are not a disguise."

D: "Claws, we couldn't let you do this alone. It's Alex and Draculaura, okay."

C: "All right. Well, uh, keep your hoods up for your own sake. And just try to act unnatural, okay?"

D: "Okay."

F: "Yeah."

C: "Okay, are you getting this?"

F: "Loud and clear."

P.A. system: "Coleman Eves. Green is the color of tomorrow."

C: "What's that sound?" hearing weird noises.

D: "It's Heath eating."

H: "Dog meat is fire."

F: "Oh. No, it's not dog. The name, hot dog was coined in the 1860s when German immigrants began settling long thin sausages which they nicknamed dachshund sausages, like the dog breed."

F: "Dachshund is fire."

F: "Okay. Enjoy."

H: "Mm-hmm."

D: "It looks fancy in there."

P.A. system: "Coleman Eves--"

C: "It is fancy."

P.A. system: "Fueled by timeless botanical secrets."

C: "Wait. Guys."

D: "What's happening?"

C: "Guys, I think Bastet senses magic somewhere. No. Actually, everywhere."

F: "Wait. Coleman Eves? It's an anagram."

H: "It's an anagram? What's an anagram?"

F: "It's a word or phrase that uses the same letters to spell different things, like a secret message."

D: "Salem Coven. Wait. The company's a coven?"

F: "The mother of all covens from the Salem Witch Trials."

H: "The Salem Witch Trials?"

F: "In 1692 colonial Massachusetts, 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft. 19 witches were executed."

H: "So humans treat witches as bad as they treat monsters?"

D: "Yeah, and witches treat monsters worse. Clawdeen, get out of there now."

C: "Draculaura and Alex are here alone."

D: "Well, we need a better plan than walking right to the mouth of a coven. Claws."

P.A. system: "Coleman Eves."

D: "Clawdeen, what's happening?"

P.A. system: "To live is to grow."

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