34 | meet me on the runway

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hey lovely readers!
I thought I'd post this chapter tomorrow but we're a day early.

as you know, give me 100 comments and I'll post another chapter tomorrow!

let's get going...
happy tears ahead!


I notice two things the moment my feet step on the aisle.

Firstly, Jeremy's Dad is not happy with the wedding. His scowl is prominent as he sits on the first row of the pew. His three-piece attire with a rose in the pocket makes him appear uncomfortably out of place. He has his arms crossed and is glaring at his son who stands beside the pastor on the platform.

Secondly, I realize that I am not happy either. Neither is Jeremy himself by the look on his face. If anything, he is nervous and isn't even looking at me.

We are doing this for him so I cannot imagine why he seems like someone who is about to be sacrificed at the altar.

Shaun and Mom are walking me down the aisle. My arm is within the crook of Shaun's. Both of the parents are trying their best to look genial with fake smiles on their faces but I can read them like a book.

Something in the air is making us all gloomy. I want this wedding to be over soon.

"Honey, I know I said I hate Carter..." Mom begins all at once while we walk down to the rhythm of slow violin music being played by a hired musician. "But you still have time to rethink this. I'm getting really bad vibes about this wedding."

She is squeezing my arm so hard that her nails dig into my skin. I wince, making her release her grip a little.

"Mom, please...don't make this any more difficult than it already is," I tell her as we pass Jeremy's father.

The middle-aged man gives me a once-over before rolling his eyes. I assume his sixth sense already knows that something is fishy about this hurried wedding. Jeremy told me that his father had always wanted a grandeur celebration for him. This abrupt wedding wasn't something he had hoped for.

I smile at him but he doesn't even acknowledge me. He tears his gaze off me with a sullen expression.

"Even Mr. McGraw doesn't like this, hon."

It is Shaun who speaks this time. I tilt my neck to look at my soon-to-be stepdad, noticing how hard he has his jaw clamped.

"Not you too, Shaun."

We stop at the steps of the platform above where Jeremy and the pastor are waiting for me.

"Think about this, Maya. I don't want you to regret this decision," Mom pretends to kiss my cheek while she actually ends up whispering in my ear. "Life can be tough, hon. But I know you're tougher."

She gives me a chaste kiss before letting go of my hand. She saunters over to the first seat and plunks herself beside Jeremy's father with an awkward nod.

I stare at them, wondering what their relationship would be like in the three months. Mr. McGraw has no idea what we are doing and it feels like we are robbing him of his dreams for his son. I am momentarily transfixed by the gold band on his finger which he still wears in memory of his wife.

This man has known love. He has lived love. He didn't give up on love even after her death. To him, he is always carrying a part of his wife.

A bitter taste feels my tongue, nauseous embarrassment washing over me. Is this the man who is going to be my father-in-law for three months? Will I be able to really convince him that I am in love with his son?

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