Chapter 1

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August 9th, 1956


At least in Juliet's opinion he was.

Juliet Tilden; born to a well-off family and destined for greatness. Well, that's what everybody had been telling her ever since she could talk. She personally didn't think that was accurate.

Her sisters and brothers, on the other hand...

Genevieve and Gwendolyn were both beautiful dames, bound to produce beautiful children and marry young. In fact, they were both courting very wealthy boys.

Juliet's brothers, George and Gene, were both helping out with their father's business. George was the oldest so he would be the one to inherit the business when their father, inevitably, passed away. Gene would inherit their father's other business.

Notice how they all have names starting with a G and she doesn't?

She began to notice how little her parents paid attention to her at the age of eleven. Ever since then she had acted out, hoping to catch their attention.

She never did.


She snapped back into reality, coming face to face with a wrinkly face. She groaned inwardly, Mrs. Khones.

"Miss Tilden!" shouted the old bat, her beady eyes boring into hers. "Wrists." With that simple, yet intimidating, order, Juliet stood up and held out her wrists.

Mrs. Konehead—oops, Khones, smacked a wooden stick against her wrists. Juliet winced, her eyes stinging at the pain.

Juliet's parents had enrolled her into an all-girls catholic school when she was nine. She hated it immensely and always wished she had any other life besides hers.

She rushed home as soon as school was done. Luckily, she was a senior so this was her last year walking this very path home.


She reached her home within ten minutes. She stood staring at it for a moment before begrudgingly walking into the house.

"Hello, Juliet," Genevieve greeted her immediately, her voice had a light southern accent. She wore a blush pink circle skirt with a white blouse. Her dark brown hair pulled up into victory curls. "How was school?"

Juliet shrugged, wanting to get out of her school uniform and away from this conversation that she definitely didn't want to have.

"Okay, well, Thomas will be comin' over for dinner tonight. You'll be there, correct?" Genevieve questioned, obviously not getting the hint and following Juliet upstairs to her room.

Juliet didn't respond, closing the door in her sister's face.


Juliet sat glaring at nothing in particular. Her fork pushed around carrots and cut up pieces of steak. The voices of her family chatting Thomas's ear off droned on and on as she thought about ways to exterminate herself.

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