Chapter 5

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August 18th, 1956


They were currently standing in a dress shop, doing some last minute shopping for the bridesmaids dresses. Juliet was there—against her will, might she add—and so was Genevieve, Gwendolyn, Eliza (Audrey's younger-by-two-years sister), and Delia (Audrey's best friend).

  Eliza was the nicest person Juliet had ever met. Her hair was sandy blonde, which was the complete opposite of Audrey's, her eyes were a pretty green like her sister's, and her face was littered with small freckles. She wore a navy blue polka dot dress with white sandals, her toes painted a baby pink color.

  Delia, on the other hand, was very blunt. Her chestnut brown eyes were striking, her dark brown hair was cut just above her shoulder and had been styled so it curled outwards. She wore black pants and a black turtleneck sweater, a chunky black belt around her waist.

  It was extremely uncommon for woman to wear pants, but Juliet gave Delia props for breaking the social norm.

  Genevieve kept shooting Delia's outfit glances, but she made no comments, choosing to stay quiet. Gwendolyn, however, wrinkled her nose at the all black outfit.

  "Yeah, I like it," said Eliza, shooting her sister a grin. She held a thumbs up, making Audrey smile.

  "You've said that for the past five dresses," scoffed Delia, causing Gwendolyn to roll her eyes. "Are you ever not going to like a dress?"

  "It's not my fault I think all of them are pretty," said Eliza, a frown replacing her previous smile.

  "Well, I hate the color pink," commented Delia, a light tipped-smile on her lips. "Let's move on to the next dress.

  "Should we really take fashion advice from someone who's wearing that," snarked Gwendolyn, finally speaking up.

  Audrey held a sky blue dress with small white flower details on it up for them to see, a nervous expression growing on her face. 

  "How about this one?" She questioned, glancing at her bridesmaids to see Delia and Gwendolyn staring each other down.

  As the two girls began arguing, Juliet zoned the conversation out. She desperately wished to be home. Not because it brought her comfort, but because she wanted to call a certain-someone.

  Her and Elvis had called each other as much as they possible could ever since that one day. Juliet liked talking to him, and him to her. They'd gotten closer with every telephone call, and she liked it.

  "Okay, so we're agreed on this dress?" queried Audrey, hoping to diffuse the tension between Delia and Gwendolyn.

  "No!" Delia shouted, standing up and storming out of the shop. Gwendolyn watched her go, an expression of victory on her face.

  "I like it," repeated Eliza in an enthusiastic tone, a smile back on her face. "It's a pretty color."

  Audrey let out a breath of relief when Genevieve, Gwendolyn, and Juliet said they liked it as well. She was happy to find a dress that most of the bridesmaids agreed on.

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