Chapter 18

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February 14th, 1957


Just as she'd laid her head onto her pillow, pulling the fleece covers up to her chin, she heard a noise at the door that led to her balcony.

  Hesitantly, she sat up. With her heart nearly beating out of her chest, she swung her feet over the side of her bed and slowly made her way over to the balcony.

  The glass door opened with a creak.

  She glanced around before inching over to the railings of the balcony. Her eyes widened when she saw what—or who— had made that noise.

  It was Elvis.

"Elvis!" She said in an excited whisper, a wide smile appearing on her face. "What're you doing here."

"It's Valentine's Day." Elvis said as if that were the most obvious answer in the world. "I had to see my girl."

She felt the heat of a blush on her cheeks, silently thanking god that it was dark outside.

"You're crazy, E," laughed Juliet quietly, shaking her head slightly.

"C'mere," he waved his hand, motioning for her to come down.

"No," she shook her head, a mischievous smile threatening to appear. "You come up here first."

"Okay, if you insist."

She watched in utter surprise as he used a nearby tree to climb up. Grabbing his hand, she helped him over the railing.

"Hey, there, darlin'," he breathed, not appearing even mildly winded.

"You're crazy, E," she repeated in a whisper.

  "Only for you," Elvis murmured in reply, backing them up into her room and closing the balcony door with his foot as he did so. Her eyes stayed on Elvis's.

  "I have a Valentine's gift for you," he told her, a grin on his face.

"Oh, really?" A soft smile adorned her pink lips. "What is it?"

  He pressed his lips against hers, her eyes involuntarily closing. She felt him back them up against her bed, falling into the soft surface.

She pulled at his hair as he depended the kiss, his hands wandering. She knew it had to stop there, doing her best to pull away from him.

"No, Elvis," she breathed quietly, a smile on her lips. "Let's save it for when we're married."

"Are you implying that we're gonna get married?" Elvis questioned, tilting his head to the side slightly, a smirk on his face.

Juliet made a face, "We better. I wanna see you get down on one knee and propose to me."

He didn't respond, just laughed and collapsed onto the bed beside her.

  As Juliet wrapped her arms around his midsection, a content smile on her face. She struggled to keep her eyes open, fighting a losing battle between her drowsiness.

  "Goodnight, E," murmured the Tilden, almost incomprehensible. Her eyes shut on their own accord, her subconscious succumbing to sleep.

  "I'll marry you someday, darlin'," was the last thing she heard before everything went dark.

  Though, she wasn't quite sure if that was a dream or if it actually happened.


February 16th, 1957

  Her baby blue convertible, Gracie, sped down the road.

  Juliet, Peggy, Barbara, and Leta were all piled into the car. She was in the driver's seat, Peggy was in the passenger, and Barbara and Leta were in the back.

  They kept squabbling in the back, arguing about petty things. Juliet kept having to ask Peggy to break up their argument. She would've done it herself, but she didn't want to take her eyes off the road for no more than a second.

  "Stop arguing please!" exclaimed Peggy, having enough of their petty fights. Juliet didn't think she'd ever seen her this annoyed.

  "Shut up, you doormat!" shouted Barbara, causing another heated argument. This time with both Leta and Peggy.

  Juliet's hands clenched around the steering wheel, finally reaching her breaking point. "Would you all just shut up!"

  Unfortunately, that didn't make them stop. What did make their arguing stop, however, was the tire of Juliet's beloved car popping.

  Gracie skidded to the side of the road, the girls releasing frightened screams. Luckily, they were in the countryside and there were no cars behind them.

  All four of them sat there for a moment, still in shock. As soon as her senses came back to her, Juliet rushed out of her car to assess the damage. The other girls rushed to open their doors too.

  Juliet was almost in tears when she saw what had happened to Gracie. She had a dent in multiple places and one of the tires was almost completely out of air.

  "Oh my goodness," breathed Peggy when she saw the dents. "I'm so sorry, Juliet!"

  "It's okay,"said the Tilden after a moment of collecting herself. "Nothing a good mechanic can't fix." She gave the girl a small smile.

  Leta also expressed her apologies, even offering to give Juliet a small sum of money to pay for the damages. While Barbara was less than apologetic.

  "How the hell are we going to get to Andrew's party now?" She questioned, clearly annoyed. A nasty glare etched its way into her face.

The whole reason they were in this predicament was because of Barbara. The day before she'd brought up a party that one of her "friends", Andrew Moore, was planning on throwing. Juliet only accepted her invitation because she didn't want to be the only one not going.

Juliet bit her lip to stop herself from saying something she'd regret. Leta, on the other hand, had less of a filter.

"Shut up, Barbara," snapped Leta, crossing her arms and shooting her frenemy a nasty look. "This is all your fault."

"How is it my fault?" questioned Barbara in an offended tone, her voice rising an octave. "I was doing y'all a favor by inviting you to Andrew's party. Especially you, Leta."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" exclaimed Leta, her cheeks a light pink.

"We all know you have a thing for Andrew, don't even try to deny it," replied the other girl, pulling a cigarette out of her clutch.

"I told you that in confidence," scowled Leta, extremely furious with Barbara.

Juliet sighed and grabbed the cigarette from Barbara before her lips could touch it. She snatched the lighter from her and lit the cigarette, leaving Barb perplexed.

It was going to be a long few hours.

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