Chapter 4

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August 15th, 1956


Many times, she found herself staring at the piece of paper. She desperately wanted to call him. But she was scared.

  Ever since her parents had realized she wasn't going to do anything worthwhile—be someone important—they gave up on her. She was scared Elvis was going to give up on her too.

  Her mother shot her a look as she spaced out while George's fiancé was babbling on and on. Apparently, the girl had asked her a question.

  All of the women in the Tilden family were currently sitting in a diner. They were "getting to know each other", as her mother put it.

  Juliet didn't even know the name of the bride-to-be.

  She turned to face George's fiancé, blinking herself back into reality. "What'd you say?" She asked, not really interested in the conversation.

  "Oh, I just asked what your opinion was on a blush pink for the bridal dresses," repeated the girl politely. Her voice was soft and melodic.

  "I'm fine with that," replied Juliet, zoning out for the rest of the lunch. Once everyone had finished eating, they all began talking excitedly with George's fiancé about wedding related things.

  Genevieve scooted her chair over to Juliet's, saying, "Audrey seems nice, doesn't she?"


  "Audrey? George's fiancé?"

  So that was her name.

  "Oh, yeah," said Juliet as if she'd known that the entire time. "I knew that, it must've slipped my mind momentarily."

  "Sure," laughed Genevieve with a playful eye roll.

  Juliet's eyes slid over to where her mama was talking animatedly with Audrey. The future wife of George grinned at the older woman, nodding along to whatever she was saying.

"Yeah," muttered Juliet, turning to face her sister ever so slightly. "She does seem really nice."

Genevieve hummed and they both turned their attention back to Audrey, who was currently making her way over to them.

"Oh, nuts! She's comin' over here!" exclaimed Genevieve in a loud whisper, her eyes wide like a deer in headlights.

"Hello," greeted Audrey, shooting them both a kind smile. She sat down in a chair with a soft sigh, watching the older Tilden woman talking and bustling about.

"I'm excited for the wedding, Audrey," said Genevieve, trying to strike up a conversation.

"I am too," said the dirty-blonde, though she sounded less than thrilled.

Juliet turned to look at the other girl fully, a confused frown pulling on her lips. "You don't sound very excited," observed the Tilden.

"Well, this is all a lot," said Audrey, sighing again. She dropped her chin into her hand, leaning it against the table. "I've only ever met your family once before!"

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