Chapter 2

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August 9th, 1956


She was currently standing in front of Louise's house, who'd been her best friend since they were in diapers.

  Louise's mother smiled, immediately recognizing the Tilden. She twisted her head to face the stairwell behind her, shouting, "Girls, Juliet is here!"

  It sounded like a heard of elephants as Louis and their other best friend, Mary, ran down the stairs. It was a clash of black, brown, and blonde hair as they all collided with each other.

  "Mary! Louise!" exclaimed Juliet happily. She hadn't seen them in a while, considering they went to public school and she went to catholic school.

  "It's been way too long!" said Louise, Mary and Juliet nodded in agreement. "C'mon, let's talk before we have to go to the show."

  The three girls rushed up the stairs, catching up with each other's lives. Apparently, Louise had a boyfriend.

  "No way!" gasped Juliet when Louise showed her a picture of her boyfriend. It was black and white so she couldn't exactly see many details, but he looked very handsome.

  "Yes way," grinned Louise, staring down at the picture. "His name is Jimmy Carter," she sighed dreamily, hugging the picture to her chest. "He plans to join the army after school."

  "That's very honorable," chimed Mary from the bed. Louise hummed, nodding. She was still staring down at that picture.

  "You're lucky to have a boyfriend, Louise," sighed Juliet. "No guys ever look at me in a romantic way."

  "It's not their fault you send any guy that even breathes near you a nasty look," said Mary, snickering to herself.

  "Burt Jameson had the hots for you, remember?" said Louise, having tucked the picture of Jimmy away into her handbag.

  "Yeah, in first grade," scoffed Juliet.

  "It's still somethin'."

  They talked for about twenty more minutes before Louise's mother came up and told them that they were leaving in a few minutes.

  They excitedly rushed down the stairs, nearly falling over themselves. They climbed into the car; Louise in the driver seat, Mary in the passenger, and Juliet in the back.

  The drive was full of loud, excited talking. They all squealed when the Peabody Auditorium came into view.

  Louise parked, albeit a bit messily, and they all exited the car. They walked over to the Peabody Auditorium, which already had a long line forming outside.

  They waited for about an hour and half before they finally got into the auditorium.

  Louise had gotten them front row tickets, though they already knew everyone was going to flock to the stage when Elvis came on.

  It was really pointless to have seats.

  Juliet sat up straighter in her seat when Elvis Presley was announced to the stage.

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