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"Is this legal?"

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"Is this legal?"

Haven chuckles. Whether at my question or the dumbfounded expression painted across my features, I don't know. I just know that I like making her laugh–even if it is at my expense.

"It has to be," Haven retorts simply as she climbs the fence before us. She lands on her feet so effortlessly, I feel as though I am getting to witness a bit of her previous cheerleading experience first hand. "I built it."

Puzzled, I do my best to follow suit. I struggle to climb the wooden fence, which has Haven laughing all over again. She extends a hand to help me down once I manage to finally clear the top. I stumble once my feet hit the grass, though Haven catches me before I can fall. For a moment, I forget how to breathe as the two of us stand chest-to-chest, so close we share a breath.

The moment passes all too soon as Haven takes my hand and guides me toward a large oak tree. I don't have any idea where we are–seemingly just in the middle of some neighborhood that seems pretty private. At first, I thought Haven had been joking when she mentioned we should jump this fence. Clearly, I should have known better. This is Haven I'm talking about, after all. She is the wildest of spirits.

"My grandparents used to own this house," Haven explains. "A different couple lives here now, but they used to let me visit sometimes when I was younger. I haven't come back as often since I've grown up, but I'm pretty sure they won't call the cops on us for trespassing."

I tilt my head back as Haven does so, gazing through the branches of the tree before us. For a moment, I see nothing but blinding sun rays shimmering through spaces between branches. Blinking, I am just able to make out a tree house. It's not very big, nor very sturdy looking.

I shield my eyes from the sun with a hand as I turn to Haven. "You built that?"

Haven shrugs nonchalantly. "Well, I can't take all the credit. My granddad helped."

I bump my shoulder against hers. "Impressive. I had no idea you were such a carpenter."

Haven snorts. "I'm a woman of many talents, okay?"

I laugh. Haven smiles to herself contently, then turns to me with a raised brow. "Shall we?"

I eye the treehouse for a moment, hesitant to move forward with this plan of Haven's. Haven seems to sense my apprehension.

"I promise it's safe," she murmurs. "I would never hurt you."

I hold her stare for a moment. I don't know if I'm mesmerized by her words or her atmospheric eyes–whatever it is has me under a trance so strong I somehow agree to this crazy proposition of hers.

Haven climbs up the ladder first, as if to prove the treehouse is stable enough to hold weight. I hoist myself up a little later, accepting Haven's hand as she helps pull my frame through the tiny treehouse door.

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