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When Friday inevitably rolls around, I am filled with nerves

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When Friday inevitably rolls around, I am filled with nerves.

I don't know exactly why. I suppose it is the thought of having Haven in my home, where she will witness all of the intricate details of my personal life. It is hard to picture her crossing the threshold from the driveway into my house. Haven has existed outside of the interior of my home, though never within the walls.

It's weird to think of her eyes roaming over the belongings within my dwelling. She will witness my father's recliner, where he stayed until he had to give up its comfort for a stiff hospital bed. She will see his face in rare, scattered pictures strewn about. She will no doubt enter my room at some point, able to observe all of the things I have deemed important enough to collect over the years. And of course there is also the thought of her interacting with my mother for a prolonged time.

Haven teases me relentlessly all throughout the day. She wears a knowing smirk during first period, and continues gloating whenever I run into her afterward. When lunch period rolls around, I almost dread having to be near her–which is a strange feeling for me to come to terms with.

Recently, Tyler and a few of his friends have started to sit with Haven and I at lunch, which only makes things worse. Not because I mind–I actually genuinely like Tyler and his friends. Even Brendan, who is only slightly less insufferable once you get to know him. What makes the whole ordeal such torture is the fact that Tyler is clearly aware of whatever is going on between Haven and I, and he does not withhold this information.

"I heard Haven's going to meet your mom," is the first thing Tyler utters when I take my seat.

Groaning, I hide my face behind my hands. "Is it really such a big deal?" Peering through my fingertips, I notice Haven and Tyler sharing a knowing smirk.

"Hold up," Brendan cuts in, as if this conversation has anything to do with him. Brendan is very good at inserting himself where he is not needed. "Haven's meeting Momma Stone? Things are getting serious."

I scoff. I am aware that those close to Haven and I are not oblivious to whatever is blooming between us–she and I undoubtedly have an undeniable connection. However, it is a strange thing for me to become accustomed to sharing her presence. It's a silly thought, certainly stimming from some sort of jealousy, though I sometimes find myself missing the early stages of my relationship with Haven, where it was just she and I locked away in our own little bubble.

"I don't think Emersyn would consider us serious," Haven suddenly chimes in. My jaw drops as I shoot a glance her way in question.

"What makes you say that?" I bite back. I cross my arms over my chest and quirk a brow as I await Haven's response.

She shrugs gleefully. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you haven't asked me out, or anything . . ." she trails off suggestively.

"Um, neither have you," I point out defensively.

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