Ch. 19: An Unexpected Turn of Events

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You, Devil and Dice are up now and you're downstairs. Dice sighs and smiles saying, "Ah, yes. I can tell this is going to be a swell day. I got what I wanted and I'm happy." You smirk and you look up at him from the Devil's chair saying, "You're welcome." 

Devil says, "I wonder whose soul I'll have to get this time. Not that Cup's, even though he was my favorite one to want to take. My main target back in the day. The old man's lucky to be alive, today. Even now for your sake, dear." You say, "Appreciate you at least sparing HIM. I still love granddad." 

Devil says, "Dice. I may need your company as well as Henchman's. You're coming with me." You say, "And me?" Devil says, "For some reason, Stickler has not involved you in this one." You say, "Well, damn... For my safety, maybe?" He says, "Um... yeah. I'm sure it is. All of Hell wants their queen to be protected." 

You say, "Good point. Also, I'm curious as to whose soul it is you have to collect, too." Dice says, "Well, when Big D finds out, he'll tell you." Devil grins and says, "Exactly." You say, "Keep Henchman safe. For me? I may be the queen of Hell now, but I care about him. I'll murder anybody that hurts him, too." 

Devil says, "I can assure you my dear, our Henchman will be just fine. He is an immortal like myself and my minions. Stickler himself is also immortal." You smile and you sit back saying, "Good."

You hear this, "Ahem." You, Devil and Dice grin. Devil says, "Oh, here comes the auditor. Ready for the distraction, dear?" You smirk and you stand up saying, "So ready." You see Stickler arrive and he's got the book of the collection of souls in his hands. He says, "You may be off at once, sir. The soul to collect cannot wait any longer." 

You grin and you say, "Hey. Mr. Auditor." He says, "Oh boy. Here we go." Devil grins and says, "Do it." You lean down, facing Stickler and you giggle. He gulps and says, "Oh boy." He holds the book to his chest. You say, "Hey you. Like everything you see on me? Here... Here's another sneak peak.~" 

You grip your pants and you whisper, "The front end.~" Stickler tries to hide a blush. You say, "Someone like you could use a little glimpse.~" You get them down, but not too far. Stickler gulps and sweats a bit. He looks away. Devil and Dice hold back a laugh. You laugh a bit and you get your pants back up saying, "Sorry. I need to sit for a bit. Everyone's watching." 

You, Devil and Dice laugh. You sit down and you say, "I'm a married woman, silly auditor. I'm not going to show my snatch to just anyone I want." Devil looks at Stickler and says, "Oh, the look on your face!" He laughs. Stickler says, "J-just be ready, sir... f-for the... soul to collect. A-and put in the s-soul vault." He walks off. You grin and you face Devil and Dice. 

Dice says, "Brilliant as always. The beauty gets them every time." Devil says, "Oh hush, Dice. It gets you too." Dice says, "I know she's your wife, but can you blame this former game show host?" 

Devil chuckles and says, "Not a bit, Dice. Now come along. I've got to retrieve that soul. It's been a little bit since I've collected one." He looks over at you and he says, "We'll be back, asap." You say, "Okay, babe. I'll be here." They head out of there. 

You sit back on the throne. You yell, "Rudy!" Rudy runs in and says, "Your highness?" You say, "Play my favorite song, would you?" Rudy says, "Right away, miss." He runs to the radio and he turns it on. He puts a CD in. It plays Even Flow by Pearl Jam. 

You sigh and you grin saying, "Yes. I love this song so much." You get up and you dance to it. Some of the imps join in. Nelly says, "I needed music too, chick." You grin and you say, "Oh yeah!" You keep dancing. You're unaware that you're being watched. It's someone from down there. They whisper, "Enough is enough, your highness." They walk off.

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