Ch. 23: Another New Revival... But Who?

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Four weeks go by. Lately, you've been feeling strange. Starting with yesterday evening. You started to feel nauseous. You actually threw up this morning. Devil asked if you were alright and you said, "Yeah. I'm fine. It's all good. Thanks." Henchman was worried about you.

You're up in yours and Devil's room. He's downstairs having a meeting. He told you to go and rest, so that's what you're doing. Kind of. You're sitting back on the bed. You've got the radio on and it's playing Mother by Danzig. You lay back and you sing, "Mother... Tell your children not to walk my way..." You sing to more of it.

You sigh and you say, "I wonder how I got sick, earlier. I'm not even coming down with anything, am I?" You close your eyes and you yawn. You end up crashing out on the bed. The doors open and there's Henchman. He says, "(Y/N)? You in here?" He sees you asleep. He smiles and says, "Daww... I'll let you be for now, your highness. I'll let the boss know you're sleepin'." He backs out and shuts the doors.

He walks down the hallway and he gets downstairs. He gets in the throne room and he gets to the Devil. Devil sees Henchman approaching him and says, "Is she resting, Henchman?" Henchman says, "Yeah, boss. She is. She's crashed out on your guys' bed." Devil says, "Good. Poor girl was sick, earlier. I wonder how come that is." Henchman says, "Beats me, boss." 

Devil hears this, "Sir! You're not going to believe this!" One of his imps yells. The Devil sees him and says, "Yes, Edgar?" Edgar says, "Sir. There's been another revival. It's not one of the sold souls from the vault like King Dice, either. It's... Well, you'll just have to see for yourself." Devil says, "Bring them to me." Edgar says, "Yes, sir." Edgar walks off.


Meanwhile, King Dice is in another room. Nelly has talked to him. He says, "So, you mean to tell me there's another female up in Inkwell Isle that nearly resembles (Y/N)?" Nelly says, "Yeah. Has the same body and personality, kind of... but blonde hair." Dice says, "Go on. Tell me more about this woman. Anyone that's closest to the Devil's queen is fine with me." Nelly tells him more.


You start to wake up and you get up from the bed. You yawn and you rub your eyes. The radio is playing Orange Crush by R.E.M. You say, "Mm... G-good song." You sing to it singing, "Follow me. Don't follow me. I've got my spine. I've got my orange crush..." 

You get up from the bed and you get your shoes on. You turn the radio off and you head out of the room. You head downstairs and you say, "I'm getting hungry. More than usual, even." You get downstairs.

You see Nelly and she says, "Hey, chick. How's it going?" You say, "Hungry." She says, "Yeah, I hear ya. Come with me. I'll get you something." You smile and you say, "Awe. Thanks, Nelly." She says, "Hey. You're the queen. You get what you want. Besides, even if you weren't, I still admire ya." You say, "Thanks, Nelly." You follow Nelly.

You say, "Did you do anything while I was napping?" She says, "Yeah. I'm hooking King Dice up with some surface chick who has the same looks you do, only blonde hair." You say, "You don't say." She says, "He likes you that much, your highness. But he knows you're a married woman. Now come on. Let's get you something to eat." You follow her.


A moment later, you get done eating and you get to the throne room. You see the Devil, King Dice, Henchman and some of the imps. You say, "Hey." Devil sees you and he smiles and says, "Have a good rest, dear?" You say, "I sure did. I don't know what was up with me this morning, but I'm okay for now." 

You get closer to him and he pulls you close. You guys see Edgar come back with something in his hand and he says, "Sir. You won't believe this. But one of your finest demons came back from the dead like King Dice did. In the revival pool, no doubt." 

Devil says, "What? Which one?" You say, "Finest demons?" Devil says, "I was so hell bent on getting your grandfather's soul years ago that I would get my finest demons to go up there and get his soul for me. All failed. The third finest however... weren't so great." Henchman says, "But you killed off the first two finest, boss. Just saying." 

Devil says, "Crap. That's right. I did. I got so mad, it ended up incinerating my actual great demons. I had no choice but to send the third finest up there." Dice says, "And me." Devil says, "Yes. And Dice as well." Edgar approaches you and he says, "It's... that little one." You look over.

You see a small round little red demon with big eyes, tiny black horns on its head, small hands, a red pointy tail, etc. It says, "Burpity burp bata bap." (Something like that. XD) You gasp and you suddenly feel smitten. 

You say, "What an adorable little hell spawn." You take the little demon and you pick him up. He looks up at you with those eyes. You smile and you say, "Awe. Do you have a name, little guy?~" He says, "Burpity burp burp." 

Then it dawns on King Dice and he snaps his fingers saying, "Ah. I remember." You look at Dice. He says, "His name's Burpy." You look at Burpy and you say, "Burpy huh? I wonder how come that is. Don't get me wrong. It suits a little guy like you." The thing suddenly puffs his cheeks. Henchman says, "Uh oh. Your highness. You might want to turn Burpy away from you." 

You turn him around and he suddenly burps out a big burst of fire from his mouth. It completely chars and blows up a statue nearby and it crumbles into ash. You turn him around and you say, "I'm getting you something healthy to eat so you can control that better, okay?" Suddenly, Burpy manages a smile up at you. You grin and you say, "Oh, you're so cute." 

You suddenly feel it again and you say, "Oh shit. Here we go again." You carefully set Burpy down and you get up. You cover your mouth and the others see this. Henchman says, "What? Again?" You say, "Crap!" You run off. They can hear you puking and Dice and Henchman both to a 'tss' sound. 

Dice says, "What is going on with the queen?" Devil says, "This is the second time today she's thrown up." He looks down at Burpy and he says, "She does however seem to really adore Burpy down there, though." Dice says, "Yeah. She does. Almost like... a mother would." Burpy says, "Burpity burp bada bap." 

They hear this, "Precisely what's happening with the queen." They recognize that voice as Stickler's and they all look over. Sticker is right there with his book and finger pointing up like usual. 

He says, "It seems as though the queen is picking up on maternal instincts. That should give a hint of what's going on with her." It dawns on the Devil and his eyes widen. He says, "Holy crap... She's pregnant!" 

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