Big News

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Chapter seven~~~~~~~~~
At Robin's house

"We're here now. Thanks for walking us here." Said Nami.
"Anytime." Said Sanji.
"Could I have a word? Nami-san?"
"Yeah sure." Said Nami. Robin smiled and walked into her house.
"I just want to say I'm really, really sorry, Nami-san." Said Sanji.
"I already told you it's ok, it wasn't your fault." Said Nami.
"But if I walked you home maybe that Arlong bastard wouldn't kidnap you, and everyone wouldn't need to fight, I just can't stop blaming myself."
"Sanji-kun really, it's alright. We're safe now and Arlong's away from us--"
"But it's not like that!!" Shouted Sanji. The expression on his face looked very serious, and his face muscles were twitching. It looked like that he was trying to stop himself from crying.
"I know I'm always flirting with girls, but you're special to me. I thought I was going to lose you--" Said Sanji, but he was cut off by Nami's lips. They stayed like that for about ten seconds and Nami pulled away.
"Yeah, me too. I don't want to lose you either." Said Nami and she hugged him.
"I.. I.."
"Shh... Just hug me." Said Nami. Then slowly, he put his arms around her waist and hugged her. Both of them were enjoying the time, neither of them wanted to break the hug.
They stayed like that for a long time, maybe more then five minutes. Finally, Sanji broke the silence.
"You should get inside, or you'll catch a cold."
"No, I want to hug you a little more." Said Nami.
"But Robin-chan will get worried."
"...I guess you're right. I'll get inside. See you tomorrow at school."
"'Kay. See you tomorrow." Said Sanji. He watched Nami went inside Robin's house and left.
"Looks like we got another couple in our group." Said Robin. She saw everything from her window.
"Congratulations." Said Robin when Nami entered her room.
"What?" Asked Nami.
"You and Sanji." Said Robin, and she giggled.
"Oh--Wait! You saw that!?" Shouted Nami.
"Yeah." Said Robin, she was still giggling.
"It was really touching when Sanji said he doesn't want to lose you." Said Robin. Nami was blushing madly.
"You'd better not tell anyone." Said Nami, still as red as a tomato.
"I won't. I promise."
Said Robin. And both of them giggled.

At Luffy's house--

"Luffy! Stop monkeying around! Or I'll burn you're food!" Said Ace, a bit annoyed.
"Ok ok, I just can't wait! I'm sooooooooooooo hungry!" Said Luffy, and he sat down at the kitchen door.
"Yeah, Ace is right, you should stop moving and get some rest, or your wounds will open again." Said Sabo.
"Ok ok, I know! God! This is so boring." Frowned Luffy, and something popped out in his mind.
"Hey~ Sabo~ Where were you this afternoon?" Asked Luffy with a weird but rather funny expression on his face.
"Hey Yeah! Where were you?" Asked Ace with the same look on his face.
"I... had some work to do..." Said Sabo, looking away from their eyes
"What work was so important and mysterious that you had to went out from your window and not letting us know?" Asked Ace.
"Uh... Dragon( by the way Whitebeard and Dragon are the police chief at the police station) told me to do that..." Said Sabo nervously.
"Come on Sabo, even I can tell you're lying." Said Luffy.
"Yeah, you better tell us, Sabo." Said Ace.
"... Fine..." Sighed Sabo.
"I went out with a friend."
"Boy or girl?" Asked Luffy and Ace at the same time.
" .........................." Sabo remained silent.
"I knew it!" Said Ace.
"What's her name?" "......................................."
" Come on Sabo don't be shy, I already told you I have a girlfriend and it's your turn now." Said Luffy.
"Well, technically, we heard that." Said Sabo.
"Just tell us!!" Said Ace.
"....Ok, if you really want to know. Her name's Koala." Said Sabo, and he blushed slightly.
"Oh! It's her. She works in the same department as you." Said Ace, and he smirked.
"What? You know her?" Asked Luffy.
"Yeah, met her a few times before." Said Ace.
"Crap! Now I'm the only one is freaken single in this home." Said Ace.
"Yeah, you better get one soon, or you'll be single for the rest of you life." Said Sabo, smirking, and three of them all bursting into laughing.

Next day morning at school--

Everyone was in their seat now and waiting for Shanks to arrive. About five minutes latter after the bell rang, the door opened. But it was not Shanks who opened the door, it was, to the students greatest fear, the captain of the school picket, Rob Lucci.
"Is Monkey D. Luffy here in this class?" Asked Lucci in an emotionless tone.
"Yes, I am." Answered Luffy, and he stood up and went to Lucci.
"The principal wants to see you." Said Lucci.
"And your friends who fraught the Arlong gang yesterday." Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Usopp, Franky, Brook, Law and Kid all froze.
"SHIT!!!" They all shouted in their minds.
"Follow me." Said Lucci, and the nine of them all followed him.
"Inside the room." Said Lucci, and he left. The nine of them all gulped and entered the room.
"Hello." Said Sengoku simply.
"Principal Sengoku! You don't understand! Arlong kidnapped Nami and we had to fi--"
"Wait! I understand." Said Sengoku.
"You do?" Asked Luffy.
"Hachi told me everything. You're very lucky to have a friend like him. He really did repent, I could tell from the look on his face. He did his best to stop me from punishing you. So this time I'll go easy on you. But if you ever fight again, I will expel all of you." Said Sengoku.
"But what about Arlong?" Asked Luffy.
"He and his gang except Hachi will be expelled." Said Sengoku.
"Oh, ok, I see." Said Luffy.
"Off you go, then." Said Sengoku. They went back to their classroom and apologized for disturbing Shanks and went back to their seats.
"What did he say?" Asked Nami.
"He said we won't be punished this time, but if we ever fight again he will expel us." Said Luffy.
"Thank god you're alright." Said Robin.

Lunch time--

"That stupid freaken gas-loving smoky bastard!" Shouted Luffy as he put a enormous rice ball into his mouth.
"Luffy, can you please just shut your mouth?" Said Nami.
"No!! How could he put me in detention just because I laughed at him?" Said Luffy.
"Luffy, maybe you got a bit too over this time." Said Hancock.
"Really? But I was just laughing at him for the whole class, is that too over?"
"Yes! That's way too over." Said everyone in unison.
"I'll remind you not to laugh next time." Said Hancock, she smiled and blushed slightly.
"Ya~ Hancock's the best!" Grinned Luffy, and he hugged her. Everyone except Nami and Robin's eyes widened and their jaws dropped to the ground.
"What?" Asked Luffy. Looking at the weird expression on his friends' face.
"H-How long have you two been like this?" Asked Sanji.
"About... eh... two day?" Said Luffy, and he looked at Hancock.
"Yeah, two days."
"Oh... Ok..." Said everyone.
"Don't be so shocked. I told you I met her three months ago."
"Ok, ok, we know." Said Zoro.
"Hey guys, it's almost one o'clock, I think we should get going, or we will be late." Said Usopp.
"Yeah! Let's go!" Said Luffy.
When they were about to leave, some called from behind.
"Oioi! Mugiwara!" Everyone turned around to see who it was. It was a weird guy with sharp teeth and green spiky hair.
"Who are you?" Asked Luffy.
"I'm Bartolomeo, leader of the Barto Club. Let's have a fight." Said Bartolomeo.
"Why do I have to fight you?" Asked Luffy.
"I heard that you beat Arlong, and I want to see who's stronger." Said Bartolomeo.
"I'll tell you now, cockscomb head. I will not fight for a reason like that." Said Luffy.
"Then what reason will make you fight?"
"I will fight for my friends, fight until I die if I have to." Said Luffy, and he and the others left, leaving a shock Bartolomeo standing alone.
"Fight for friends... Fight until I die... I never thought about that before... This..this is so brave, so noble.... Why is my face wet? I'm crying... why am I crying...? ...Fight for friends... Fight until I die...
LUFFY SENPAI!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sanji x Nami and
Sabo x Koala!! Big news, wasn't it, ^w^
And that was a bit crazy in the end, Bartolomeo was like a maniac. Haha. And that's chapter seven!!!!!!

New ideas???

Thanks for reading!!!

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