How's The Weather There?

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Hey ya~~
It's me again~~
Here's chapter No.29~~
Please enjoy~~

Time seemed to pass faster after Robin's birthday trip. It was already May, and the teachers all started to give them so much home work and essays to finish. And Luffy and the others had to start preparing for the final exam now.
"God damn it! I can never finish this crap!" Moaned Luffy as he slammed his head to the table.
"Why do they have to give us so much homework this early?? We don't need to study until June, the tests are on June 25th and 26th!" He moaned, slamming his head to the table again.
"Luffy, the crap we learn in high school is completely different from those we learned in junior high. We need time to review and memorize as much as possible, or we'll fail the exam." Said Usopp, shaking his head.
"No no no, Usopp, you can't just memorize everything like Luffy wolfs food down without tasting it. You have to comprehend them. Or your head'll explode." Said Sanji, shaking his hand.
"Keep down you three. We're in a library now." Nami whispered. Everyone was sitting at a long table and studying the stuff they learned so far. Law and Zoro were sleeping.
"Torao~ help me with this one, how do I solve this problem???" Said Luffy, stretching long his hand to shake Law.
"What......?" Law asked after woke up by Luffy, a bit pissed.
"You ruined my dream...."
"Yohohoho~ were you dreaming about doing something with Monet-san?" Said Brook.
"Bone-ya......" He glared at him. Monet smiled.
"Oi, Torao, answer my question." Said Luffy from the other side of the table.
"Troublesome... What's the question?"
"How do I solve this problem?" He gave him his textbook with his stretched-long hand.
"Why don't you just ask your girl?" Said Law, yawning.
"She said she's not good at explaining." Said Luffy.
".......Alright, get here you dumbass." Said Law and Luffy went to his seat.
"Don't you need to study?" Asked Robin, poking the sleeping Zoro.
"Yeah...... later......." He mumbled.
"Ok, if you say so." Said Robin, smiling.
"He's not going to wake up till we leave." Nami sighed.
".........So do you understand now?" Said Law. He just finished explaining how to solve the math problem.
"No, no idea what you're talking about." Said Luffy blankly.
"God....... I already explained it in the easiest way......" Law frowned.
"No, Torao, you have to explain it in 'Luffy's way'." Said Nami, and she did the quote with her fingers when she said 'Luffy's way'.
"Just use food as examples." Said Usopp.
".....Ok, Mugiwara-ya, listen carefully this time. If you......" He started to explain again, and this time it seemed that Luffy had finally understood what Law was talking about.
".........Get it now?" Said Law.
"Yeah! Thanks!" Said Luffy, nodding, and he went back to his seat.
"Hey guys, it's almost seven now. I think we should head home." Said Nami, looking at her phone.
"Yeah, let's go. I'm hungry." Said Chopper, putting his textbook back into his backpack.
"Let's go to Baratie." Said Luffy, drooling.
"NO!!!!!" Sanji whisper-shouted.
"Well, guys, see you tomorrow." Said Kid, he got up and Bonney followed him.
"Bye, everyone." They all got up and went back home.
"Nami-san, I'll walk you home!" Said Sanji after they were out of the library.
"Ok, thank you Sanji-kun." Said Nami, and she wrapped her hand around Sanji's arm.
"What do you think about the test? Do you think it'll be hard?" Said Sanji after a few minutes.
"Well, if you're well prepared then it won't be a problem." Said Nami.
"Yeah, I know that. But I suck at chemistry and biology." Said Sanji, frowning.
"I can teach you." Said Nami, clutching his arm more tightly.
"Ok, thanks. I'll cook you something later before I go." He said.
"Ya~~ thank you. Love you so much~" Said Nami happily, and they arrived at her house.
"Hello, Bellmere-san." Said Sanji when he walked into Nami's house.
"Oh, look who we have here, hi, Mr. Prince." Said Bellmere as she walked out of the kitchen.
"Haven't seen you for a long time." Said Bellmere, handing him a tangerine.
"Thanks, the restaurant has been a bit busy lately. I don't have much spare time, and old man Zeff's keep asking me to work overtime." Said Sanji, scratching his head.
"Oh, I see. Thanks for walking Nami back." She smiled, and Nojiko walked out of her room.
"Oh, Sanji, hello." Said Nojiko, beaming at him.
"Hi, Nojiko-san. Um, may I borrow the kitchen for a while? Bellmere-san?" He asked.
"Yeah, sure, why not?" Said Bellmere, grinning. After ten minutes Sanji walked out with a tray, and there were three cups and two plates on there.
"Here you go." He placed the plates and two cups on the table in front of Bellmere and Nojiko. They were watching TV in the living room.
"Oh, thank you." Said Bellmere.
"It must be good to have a first class chef as a boyfriend." Said Nojiko enviously. Sanji smiled as he bowed, and he went to Nami's room.
"May I come in? Nami-san?" He knocked on the door.
"Yes, you may." She answered, and he opened her door.
"Here's your food." He put the tray down on her table.
"Thank you, Sanji-kun." She said sweetly.
"It feels so good to have a first class chef as a boyfriend." Said Nami, drinking the juice Sanji mad for her.
"Thank you, Nami-san. I have to go now, or that old man'll deduct my salary." Said Sanji.
"Ok, see you tomorrow." She kissed him and waved him goodbye.

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