The Heaven City - Skypiea

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Hi yo!!!!!!!!
Sooooooooooo happy!!!!!!!
Here's the next chapter!!!!
Please enjoy!!!!!!

"Alright! Let's go home and pack our stuff and wait till Monday comes!!" Shouted Luffy.
"Yeah, ok, let's go home. And remember, our boarding time's at 9 : 30, so make sure you arrive before 7 : 30." Said Nami like a commander.
"Why?" Asked Luffy and Zoro.
"Going through the customs takes a lot of time you know? And your luggages and other stuff, very complicated, for you guys, I mean." Said Nami, and Luffy and Zoro nodded.
"So it's a complicated thing to do." Said Luffy.
"......Hancock you'd better help him with that." Said Nami.
"I will, just relax." Said Hancock.
"Ok then, see you guys on Monday." Said Nami, and everyone headed back home.
"Zoro, come to my house after you're done packing." Said Robin.
"Ok, why?" Asked Zoro.
"You'll get lost on your way to the airport. I'll have to keep an eye on you." Said Robin, smiling.
"Tsk... I not that dumb! How's it possible to get lost if you go by taxi?" Said Zoro, a bit angry.
"I know that, but you'll get lost on your way to the boarding gate." Said Robin.
".......Fine...." Said Zoro. Ten minutes later they're at the door of Robin's house.
"See you later." Said Robin, and she went inside.
"Later." Said Zoro, and he walked to his house.

At Luffy's place--

"Ace! Sabo!" Shouted Luffy as he opened the door.
"Luffy if I hear you shouting in the house one more time I'll burn your straw hat and smash your PS4 and 3DS!!" Said Ace, walking out his room.
"Ok ok ok sorry I won't do it again please don't do that!!" Said Luffy, terrified.
"It worked! It actually worked!! We can threaten him!!" Said Sabo, closing his door.
"Well, anyway, what're you going to say earlier?" Asked Ace.
"Oh, I'm going on a trip to Skypiea." Said Luffy.
"What??? Really?? That heaven city??" Asked Ace and Sabo together, shocked.
"Yeah, I'll leave on Monday."  Said Luffy.
"Wait wait wait wait wait wait!! How come you can go??" Asked Ace.
"That's a reward from the school. The top fifteens in the class get the plane tickets, and I'm the 2nd." Said Luffy. Ace's jaw dropped on the floor.
"That school has this kind of reward?? You've gotta be kidding me!!" Said Sabo.
"No, it's true. I'm going, and later that week we'll go to Water 7." Said Luffy, and the two stared at him.
"....I hate you... you always get to go to some place we've never been to before...." Said Sabo.
"And get the hottest girl in the world....." Said Ace miserably.
"Uh..... so I'm going, ok?" Said Luffy, scratching his chin.
"Alright alright we know! God..." Said Ace, and he went back to his room.
"What's with him now??" Asked Luffy.
"He's just jealous." Said Sabo.
"No I'm not!" Said Ace from his room.
"I think we should sue those guys who built our apartment." Said Sabo.
"Why?" Asked Luffy.
"Like I said before, the soundproofing walls here totally suck!" Said Sabo.
"Oh, yeah, agree." Said Luffy.
"Well, Luffy, have fun." Said Sabo, and he went back to his room.
"Ok, thanks!" Said Luffy, and he went to play his PS4.

Monday morning--

"LUFFY!!!! ARE YOU GETTING UP OR NOT!!!!" Shouted Ace outside Luffy's door.
"I told you I'm already up..." Said Luffy sleepily, and he yawned.
"You'd better get out quickly, or you'll be late!" Said Ace, and he walked away.

30 minutes later--

"I don't really think he's up." Said Sabo, eating his breakfast.
"Yeah, I'll go wake him up. It's already 7 : 15." Said Ace, and he walked to Luffy's door.
"Luffy are you awake?" Asked Ace. No responses.
"That git...." He kicked Luffy's door open, and saw him still sleeping in his bed.
"Aren't getting up, are you??" Said Ace dangerously, some veins appearing on his forehead and neck.
"I'll do it." Said Sabo.
"No, your punch probably won't wake him up. I'll handle this." Said Ace.
"Enkai!!" Luffy's room exploded.
"Arghhhhhh!!!!! I'm up I'm up I'm up!!!!!" Shouted Luffy's as he fell off his bed. There were burns and scratches all over him.
"Get your stuff and go to the airport now! It's 7 : 20 now!" Said Ace, and Sabo was laughing at Luffy's door.
"What?!?! Crap!! Why didn't you wake me up earlier??" Said Luffy, changing his clothes.
"Why didn't we wake you up? We did you idiot!! We tried to wake you for almost one hour!! You're the one who wouldn't get your ass outta the bed!!" Said Ace, annoyed. Sabo was still laughing.
"Fine.... I'm leaving now, see you in two weeks." Said Luffy, and he grabbed his luggage and dashed out of the room.
"Stupid idiot!" Muttered Ace.
"Yeah, he'll never change." Said Sabo. When Luffy dashed out of his apartment, he saw Hancock and Bartolomeo standing beside a weird car waiting for him.
"Hi Hancock, and Barto.... uh.... cockscomb head!" Said Luffy, waving at them.
"Oh my god.... He knows half of my name...." Said Bartolomeo, shaking with excitement and crying. Hancock looked at him in disgust.
"Why didn't you go to the airport, Hancock?" Asked Luffy.
"I'm waiting for you, I don't want to leave without you." Said Hancock, blushing slightly.
"And why're you here?" Asked Luffy, and Bartolomeo stopped crying.
"I'm here as an precaution, Luffy senpai! In case something happens, I can get you to the airport as fast as possible!!" Said Bartolomeo excitedly.
"Oh thanks! I think we're running outta time now, let's get going!!" Said Luffy.
"Ok!! Welcome aboard The Going Luffy Senpai!!!" Shouted Bartolomeo as he opened the door.
"Hop in!! Gambia!! We're off to go!!" Said Bartolomeo.
"Got that!" Said the guy called Gambia, and they drove away.
"Looking at this car closely now......" Said Hancock, and she sighed.
"Hahaha! There's a statue of me on top of the car!! And Chopper's face's on the back of the car!! Hahahahaha!!" Said Luffy, laughing.
"And that sheep's head's on top of the car behind your statue! Luffy senpai!!" Said Bartolomeo.
"You mean Going Merry's head?? We built her when we're in elementary school and Franky's sisters sailed her to Water 7 after we graduated from junior high school. We never told this to anyone, how did you know about her?" Asked Luffy.
"I noticed you and some of your friends have that head dangling on your backpacks, and I think that must mean something to you, so I put it up there!" Said Bartolomeo.
"Whoa~~ Awesome!!!!" Said Luffy, and the two hi-fived.
"I wish no one'll recognize me after I got out of this car..." Said Hancock as she face palmed.

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