The Halloween Party

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Chapter nine~
Please enjoy~~~ :D

Time skips to October--

"Ya~~ It's almost Halloween~~" Said Luffy happily.
"Luffy, you're not a kid anymore." Said Usopp.
"So?" Asked Luffy.
"So you can't go trick or treat. You're too old for that." Said Zoro.
"Why......Why is the world so cruel....?" Moaned Luffy.
"It's ok, Luffy. We still have the Halloween Party." Said Hancock.
"Could you please shut up?" Said Doflamingo angrily. They were in the middle of the integrated activities lesson.
"Sorry, we'll shut up." Said Usopp, and he covered Luffy's mouth. After about ten minutes, Luffy raised his hand.
"Hey Mingo, Mingo, Mingo Mingo Mingo Mingo Mingo
"WHAT!!!" Shouted Doflamingo.
"What are you going to wear on the Halloween Party?" Asked Luffy. And everyone in the room froze. Some veins appeared on his forehead.
"Mugiwara, I'll ask you now. Do you want to shut your damn mouth or... Fufufufufufufufufufu.... Have a detention with me? Fufufufufufu!!" Said Doflamingo with a weird grin on his face.
"Ok, I'll shut up." Said Luffy. Doflamingo paused, and he continued on his lesson.
Bartolomeo was in the back of the classroom and crying again.
"Oh~~ my god~~~ he's the only one in the class who dares to talk to him like that~~ So coooooooooool~~" Everyone looked at him in disgust.

The class was finished and everyone walked out the classroom.
"Mugiwara-ya! Were you mad?" Said Law.
"No. Why?"
"Don't ever talk to him like that again!" Said Law.
"Ok, ok, I know." Said Luffy impatiently.
"........Never mind, I gave up. Don't blame me if you get killed by him." Said Law, and he sighed. It was history class now and everyone was in their seat.
"Sorry class. I need you all to be in the Great Hall now. Principle Sengoku has something to tell you." Said Rayleigh when he entered the room. Everyone got up and headed for the Great Hall.
"Hello everyone." Said Sengoku when the students entered the Great Hall.
"The Halloween Party will be on next Friday. On that day, you don't have to wear your uniform, you can wear whatever you want. And the party will start at seven o'clock." Everyone started cheering and clapping.
"Quiet! Quiet! QUIET!" Shouted Sengoku and the noise went down.
"Sorry about that. As I was saying, the Halloween Party starts at seven and ends at midnight. You'd better tell your parents before you come. And one last thing, if there is any misbehavior at the party I will end it sooner than it should be. Is that clear? Ok, you may leave now." Said Sengoku, and everybody went back to their class.
"I'm soooooooooooo~ excited!" Yelled Luffy.
"Luffy, you're not allowed to eat at the party." Said Nami.
"Why not?" Asked Luffy.
"Because you ate everything last year, do you think we will ever forget that?" Said Sanji.
"Man, that really was nasty." Said Usopp.
"Shattered plates and cups were everywhere on the floor..." Usopp said, shivering.
"What happened last year?" Asked Hancock.
"He uh... maybe he ate too much candy that night and he got so excited and ate everything." Said Usopp. Hancock looked at Luffy, and he grinned his childish grin and scratch the back of his head. And she smiled.
"I'll keep an eye on him." Said Hancock.
"Speaking of eating candy, Chopper you're not allowed to eat cotton candy too." Said Franky.
"Why?? I want to eat cotton candy the whole night." Said Chopper, and he pouted.
"No! You don't want to lose control like last time. You-- never mind, we'll keep an eye on you two." Said Usopp like a mother.
"No no no no~ we'll eat the whole night~~" Luffy and Chopper said in unison.
"Luffy~ can you spend the whole night with me instead of eating the whole night?" Asked Hancock in a very sweet tone.
"Oh, ok, then." Said Luffy, grinning wildly.
"Why didn't she move here a year earlier?" Said Zoro, and everyone nodded.
"By the way everyone, there's going to be a SUUUUPER amazing surprise at the party!" Yelled Franky.
"What is it?" Asked Luffy.
"We're not telling~ Yohohohohohohohoho~~." Said Brook.
"What? You know it too?" Asked Chopper.
"Yes, I do know what that surprise is. But I ain't telling~ Yohohohohohohohoho~~~"

Time skips to two hours before the Halloween Party--

"Luffy, what are you going to wear?" Asked Chopper. It was almost six now and the boys were all at Luffy's house.
"This." He held out a costume.
"Uh....................." It was all they could manage to say.
"Are you sure you're going to wear that crap?" Asked Usopp.
"Yeah, why not?" Asked Luffy.
"That's um.... super weird." Said Law.
"Whatever. I'll say I don't know you if people ask me why you are dressed up in a chicken leg." Said Kid.
"Luffy, I think you should just wear your normal clothes." Said Sanji, and he gave him his red jacket and blue jeans.
"...Fine...." Said Luffy unwillingly.
"Aw... I want to wear a costume too." Said Chopper.
"You don't need one, you already look like you're wearing a costume." Said Usopp.
"What do you mean?" Asked Chopper.
"Well, if you turn into your human form you'll look like a Bigfoot with a blue nose."
"Really?" Asked Chopper, and he turn into his human form.
"C'mon, let's go ask Ace." Said Luffy.
"Ace!!!" Shouted Luffy.
"God damn it Luffy, don't shout in the house." Said Ace.
"Hehe, well, we want to ask you something." Said Luffy.
"What?" Said Ace.
"Do I look like I'm in a costume?" Asked Chopper.
"Yeah, that's pretty cool. You look completely different." Said Ace.
"What are you now? Bigfoot or gorilla?"
"See?" Said Usopp, grinning.
"Idiot! I won't be happy even you said that! Hahahahaha you idiot!" Chopper was dancing now.
"Stop dancing, Chopper! That's so creepy." Said Usopp.
"Hey!! Answer my question!" Said Ace.
"Oh! Sorry. I'm a... eh... human reindeer now."
"Okay....? What's a human reindeer?" Asked Ace.
"Ok, ok, let's go back to the room." Said Usopp.
"We're running out of time now so I'll explain to you later."
"Okay........?" Said Ace, a bit confused.
"Hey Marimo, what're you going to wear?" Asked Sanji.
"My normal clothes." Said Zoro, and he started to sleep.
"..............Idiot...." Said Sanji.
"Hey guys, I think we should get going, or we'll be late."
"Oh, ok, Sanji. But before we go, can you cook me something to eat? I'm starving." Said Luffy.
"No!" Said Sanji, and he kicked him out of the room.

Meanwhile at Hancock's house--

"Oh! My! God! Is this really a closet?" Nami exclaimed when she opened Hancock's closet.
"Yeah, I just.... have a few more clothes than you." Said Hancock.
"You call this 'a few more'? That's enough to open a clothing shop!" Said Nami.
"Hey Robin, want to have a look too?" Asked Hancock.
"No, thank you." Said Robin. She was reading a book at the edge of Hancock's bed.
"Well, I'm going to wear my cheongsam, as usual." Said Hancock.
"Want to impress Luffy?" Said Nami jokingly.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you want to impress Sanji too." Said Hancock.
"Yea-- Wait! What the--"
"Admit it, Nami. I saw you two kissing behind a tree earlier." Said Hancock.
"....I'm not ready to tell yet..." Said Nami.
"It's ok, I won't tell anyone." She said, and Robin giggled.
"You two are so cute." Said Robin.
"So, Nami, are you really going to go like that?" Asked Hancock. Nami said she'll only wear her bikini earlier.
"No, I changed my mind.
I'll wear my T-shirt." Said Nami.
"Ok, then. Time to go." Saaid Robin.
"Don't know what those idiots are wearing." Said Nami.
"Luffy....." Hancock was already blushing madly.
"......Imagination is a powerful thing..." Said Robin.
"'Kay, to the Halloween Party!" The thrree of them went out, and Hancock bumped right into Luffy when she walked out of the door.
"H-hi, L-Luffy. You l-look very handsome." Said Hancock, she stammered and blushed even redder this time.
"Oh hi Hancock. Wow! You look so pretty." Said Luffy.
"Oh my god he said I'm pretty he said I'm pretty....." Hancock said in her mind, and still blushing madly. Usopp cleared his throat.
"Sorry to interrupt you but we're still here, and we're running late." Said Usopp.
"Oh, sorry, hehe. Let's go!!!" Shouted Luffy, and he grabbed Hancock's hand and walked away. And they could hear Luffy singing "Halloween party~~ Eat meat the whole night eat candy the whole night~~
Lalalalalalala~~~~~~~~" And Hancock saying "Luffy, shouldn't we wait for the others?" And everyone sweat-dropped.
"Well, let's get going, shall we?" Said Robin.
"That moron... Ok let's go!" Said Nami. And everybody started to head to the Halloween Party.

Chapter nine~~~
Pretty boring, I know. But the next one will be better.

Any idea???????????

Thanks for reading~~~~~~

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