Extra Chapter : Mugiwara No Ichimi's Separation Serial

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Hi~~ this's the extra chapter I promised to write. Sorry it took so long. I'm writing other stuffs. Please enjoy~~~


The setting sun was red and shinny, and the ocean was gleaming and the waves were dancing, and Sanji was sprinting and crying and screaming. Behind him were a dozen of Okamas chasing after him with dresses and high heels in their hands.
"Whhaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!" Sanji screamed, looking at the Okama behind him.
"Why the fuck do I get such a horrible school!!!!!! Whaaaaaaaarrrrrrr!!!!" He screamed as the Okama came nearer.
"Nami-saaaaannnnnn!!!! Robin-chaaaaaannnnnn! Vivi-chaaaaaannnnnn!! Hancock-saaaaaaannnnnn!!!! Bonney-saaaaannnnn!!! Monet-saaaannnnnnn!!!! Please help meeeeeeeaaaaaa!!!!" He screamed for the third time as mouth water splattering out of his mouth. The Okama behind him jumped and caught him, and the second one jumped, and the third one, and the fourth and so on. Sanji managed to get rid of them at last and start sprinting again. About fifteen minutes later he arrived at a building with 'Kamabakka Academy' written on its gate. A really tall woman with curly purple hair walked out of it. Sanji stared at her.
"Finally..." He thought as he kneeled in front of her.
"Hello, my lady." He said, reaching out his hand like a gentleman. The woman reached out her hand, but suddenly her fingers turned into five sharp needles, and she stabbed them on her hip.
"HIIIIIIIIHAAAAAAA!!!!! SURPRISE!!!!!!!" She shouted as she turned into a man with a super large face, and Sanji screamed and fell back.
"Get up, and follow me." He said, returning to the building. Sanji hesitated, but he turned back and saw all the okamas were staring at him with their mouths opened. He gulped and entered the building.
"Welcome, to the academy of Newkama, Kamabakka Academy!!" He shouted, and the okamas all cheered.
"Who're you?" Asked Sanji, and he looked down at him.
"I'm the queen of this academy, Emporio Ivankov, and a Devil Fruit User as well." Ivankov said.
"Devil Fruit User?" Sanji asked again.
"Yes. Horu Horu no Mi. That's what I ate. I can change my gender to my will. And of course, I can change yours easily as well." He said, turning his fingers into needles. The Okama all cheered and laughed again.
"Listen now, Sanji boy. Kuma's told me about the experiment. If you want to go back to Mugiwara boy empty and unchanged, I won't stop you, you can leave now." He said, and Sanji didn't move a step.
"Hmhm, very good. I heard that you're a first class chef. I'll let my sweethearts here teach you a recipe that can let the person consuming it restore energy quickly." He said, and Sanji looked up at him.
"Great, when am I gonna start?" Sanji asked.
"Mnmn? When? When? Once you step on this island, you start!! HIIIHAAAA!!!" Ivankov shouted, and the Okama started attack him.
"What the--"
"There're 99 sweethearts that have the Newkama Recipe!! Beat one get one! That's the rule!! HIIIIIHAAAAA!!!" Ivankov shouted again.
"In daytime you fight, in night you study! That's how it goes!! HIIIIIHAAAAA!!!"


"What's this?" Robin asked, holding a dirty and wretched shirt and a pair of jeans.
"That's you uniform." The man who gave her them said.
"This's Tequila Wolf Academy. You're all slaves once you step on its ground." Said the man.
"Seriously?" Robin thought. The man walked off, and Robin followed him. On their way Robin saw many other people wearing the same outfit as hers and were building bridges and walls and all looked filthy and tired.
"I'm gonna study here? This's a school?" Robin thought again. Suddenly somewhere faraway from them exploded, and people started yelling and screaming. The man taking Robin ran toward the explosion, leaving her standing beside a wall. She hadn't got time to get anything straight when another man took her by the arm. The man walked without talking to her, but he was more gentle. They arrived at a boat, and boarded it.
"Nico Robin, right?" The man asked. Robin nodded.
"Well, I apologize, for sending you to a crappy place like this. It doesn't fit our requests. We will take you to another place." He said, and Robin nodded.
"Um, excuse me. Why did Kuma send me here in the first place?" Robin asked.
"Well, this academy has a long history. You saw people building bridges and walls, right?" He asked, and Robin nodded again.
"They started three hundred years ago, but no one knows why. I guess Kuma thought you'd learn much history here." He said.
"You're better with us. We're from the Revolutionary Department. We'll send you to the perfect place." He said.
"Let's get inside, it's chilly outside." Said the man, gesturing her to get inside.
"No, I'll stay here. I like being on decks." She said, smiling.
"Ah, okay. Hey! Go get a sofa! And hot chocolate! And books!" The man shouted to the men behind him.
"How interesting." Robin said to herself, crossing her hands in front of her mouth, looking at the ocean.

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