The Sports Day : Part Two

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Hi guys~~
Here's chapter No.25~~
Please enjoy :D~~

"Ah~~ today's a wonderful day." Said Luffy, yawning. He, Ace, Sabo and Hancock were on their way back to their apartment. They met Ace and Sabo at the restaurant.
"Luffy, are you still hungry?" Asked Hancock.
"No, I'm pretty full now. Man, the food at Baratie surely is good!" Said Luffy, patting his stomach.
"Well, Luffy, that might be the last time you can walk in that restaurant without being chained." Said Sabo.
"Yeah, you ate down the whole restaurant again. I'm very sure Sanji will not let you step a foot in there again." Said Ace, and they stopped at Hancock's door.
"See you tomorrow, Hancock." Said Luffy, grinning.
"Ok, good night." She waved, and closed the door.
"I'm so~~~ tired~~" Said Luffy, yawning again.
"You'd better go to bed right after we get in." Said Sabo.
"Yeah, I need some rest. If I'm not in good mood tomorrow we'll lose the soccer and basketball game." Said Luffy sleepily. He opened the door, and was totally awake now.
"O-O-O-Ojīchan?!?!?!?!?" Shouted Luffy.
"Ehhhhhh?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Ace and Sabo shouted.
"Ah, kids, you're back." Said Garp, eating a plate of cookie on the sofa.
"Why're you here??" Asked Luffy, closing the door.
"Well, I saw the news and I decided to come and see you." Said Garp.
"I saw that video. If you let me train you you totally can become a great marine." Said Garp, laughing.
"No! I don't want to be a marine! I want to be a police officer!" Shouted Luffy.
"No! You will become a marine!!" Garp stood up, and grabbed Luffy's collar.
"I'll train you everyday from now on!!! Or you'll have a good taste of my punch of love!!" He raised his fist, and fell asleep.
"Hell no!! Ojīchan!! Let go!! I want to sleep--" And Luffy fell asleep too.
"He hasn't changed at all." Said Sabo, a bit speechless.
"Well, Ace, let's go.... God! You three are so....... I don't know what to say." Ace fell asleep too, still standing.
"I'm going to bed. See you all tomorrow." Sabo went back to his room, and the three woke up.
"Huh? What?? Did I fall asleep again?? Oh, right! Luffy!! Finish one thousand push ups before I finish these cookies!! Or feel the punch of love!!" He tossed Luffy to the floor, and continued eating the cookies.
"No!! I want to sleep!! I'm freaken tired--"
"Start!! Now!!" Garp shouted, and Luffy obeyed, muttering something like "Stupid ojīchan, I wanna sleep."
"Come on, ojīchan, he's exhausted, and he has two more competitions tomorrow." Said Ace.
"Fine! I'll let you go this time. If you lose tomorrow you will feel the punch of love for the rest of the day!" Said Garp, and he walked to the guest room.
"Hey, ojīchan, how long are you going to stay?" Asked Ace.
"About a year, I think."
"Nah, just kidding. I don't have time to spend with stupid kids like you. I'll leave tomorrow if everything's alright." He finished his words, and went into the room.
"Come on, Luffy, time to sleep." Said Ace, and Luffy went to his room.
"Good night." Said Luffy, and he closed the door.
"'Night" Said Ace, and he went back to his room.
"What an interesting family." Said Hancock, sitting on her bed. She heard everything in her room.

The next morning--

"Kids!! Wake up!!" Shouted Garp.
"'s five in the morning.........." Muttered Sabo in his bed.
"Urgh........old man. I'm not getting up." Ace yawned, covering his ear with his pillow.
"Snore~~~~~~~~~~" Luffy didn't even wake up.
"Not coming out, are you?" Garp said, and he took a deep breath.
"LUFFY!!!!!!!!!! ACE!!!!!!!!!!! SABO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET UP NOW OR I'LL TREAT YOU MY PUNCHES FOR BREAKFAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shouted so loudly that the floor and windows were shaking.
"Ok, ok, ok, we're up, please shut up." Said Ace sleepily, and he got out of his room.
"Ojīchan, there's going to be a bunch of people at the door after a few seconds." Said Luffy, rubbing his eyes.
"Why?" Asked Garp.
"Because the soundproofing walls here are freaken terrible." Said Sabo, and he yawned. And the door burst opened.
"DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE TIME IS NOW!!!!!" Shouted Hancock. Luffy was right. The residents were all standing at their door now. The Boa sisters were standing at the front of the people.
"Luffy, I won't petrify him because he's your ojīchan, but can you please keep him down??" Said Hancock, veins appearing on her forehead.
"Ok, ok, ok. We'll keep him quiet, please leave, ok?? Don't be mad." Said Luffy, and he closed the door.
"Ojīchan, look what you have done!" Said Ace angrily.
"Ok, ok, my bad, I apologize." Said Garp, and he pushed the three to the table.
"Eat, then go get changed. We're going jogging after fifteen minutes." Said Garp.

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