flannels & fenders

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JACKIE FOUND HERSELF IN Seattle, Washington. Surrounded by evergreens, indie bookstores, and grunge music.

Grunge music was just on the brink of success, and she just so happened to be in the right place at the right time. Bands like Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Melvins.. and tons more were the hottest thing nowadays.

Down to earth frontmen with greasy hair and ripped jeans, flannels, fenders.. it was something she wasn't used to. She was used to egotistical, leather wearing jackasses from The Strip. A certain five in particular.

She decided she'd stay for a while, see if it was for her, leave if not, and stay if it was. Long story short, it was, and she moved in with Mason Wilder in a small apartment building on the corner of the street.

She was hesitant about going to school for music, because she had just finally escaped the unhealthy side of the music industry. What did she have to lose now, though?

She was majoring in music, that's when she met Audrey Diamanté. Audrey was the party animal type and she invited Jackie to one of her many parties she attended. Jackie turned down her offer, though. Audrey decided to stay in with Jackie at her house and they watched movies and got wasted together, away from the keggers and predators.

"Jaqueline, are you listening?"

"Huh?" She lifted her head up from the table. "Oh, yeah, sorry Professor." She rested her sweaty palm on her cheek until it slowly slid down and her face plopped back on the table. She ignored the snickers and whispers from around her.

She tapped her finger on her arm while she kept her eyes closed, drowning out the Professor's voice.

That was until she felt a small poke just above her waist, followed by another.. and another..

She scratched the area in attempt to make the itch go away, but it happened again. She lifted her head and looked down to see there was nothing. Then she looked up at the boy beside her holding a mechanical pencil.

"What, Mason?" She deadpanned. He stayed silent as his stomach twitched and his dimples popped out. He was holding in a laugh.

She raised an eyebrow when he didn't respond. She was about to drop her head again when she got another poke to her side.

"Fucking what, Mason?" She hissed quietly for only him to hear.

"Youuu... wanna go to a party later?" He quirked. She rested her shoulders a bit in relief. She thought he was giggling at something she had on her face or something she did.

"Uh.. no.." she looked for an excuse to not go. She tried staying away from the whole partying scene after she left California. "I um.." she stuttered, "Have.. this thing I told Audrey I'd do for her."

"Do what?" The brunette in front of them turned to look at her. Fuck. She forgot she sat right in front of her. "That thing!" Jackie pointed to her with her pencil. "What thing?"

"The thing we were.. supposed to do." She raised her eyebrows, hoping Audrey would take the hint.

"Nice try, Turner. Audrey's already going." The blond boy nudged her shoulder.

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