old friend

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a week later.

Of course, my peace and quiet did not last after I got out of jail. At all.

The guys completely fell off the wagon. Slash tried pawning his Gibson to buy alcohol and drugs, luckily I was there to stop him.

Axl was like a woman on her period, mood swings, going from angry, to sad, to bouncing off the walls, luckily not doing drugs, but eating complete junk food and literally inhaling a 6 pack every night.

Steven... I honestly don't even know about Steven. All I know, is that he's on the corner every other night shooting up.

Duff was actually not that bad, he'd always drink straight vodka, but he was doing it a bit more often than not.

I honestly think Duff is only drinking vodka more often because he thinks it's okay since the other guys are doing their own thing.

Izzy was the only okay one, really. I knew he'd do various drugs here and there but he didn't let it get too bad.

2:18 pm

"Fuck this shit." I whisper-yell to myself, whipping my bed sheets off my body, stomping out of my room.

"They are not fucking their lives up this easily." I whisper to myself once again, stomping down the stairs.

I immediately went into Slash's room, barging in without knocking.

"...Hey babyyy..." He slurred, reaching his arm up to me lazily, his other hand holding a beer bottle.

He must've been wearing the same pants for a week because I could smell the sweat, beer, cigarette smoke, and B.O soaked into them.

"Get up." I say blankly, hands on my hips from the edge of his bed. "...Whattt?" he mumbles. He clearly had just woken up, already downing a beer.

I sigh in annoyance, standing still for a minute, then swiftly grabbing the blanket off him, then jumping on top of him,

"Woahhh... Missy I'm not sure if I'm in the right mind for this," He slurs, hiccups in between each word.

I grab the beer out of his hand, then immediately jump off the bed, dragging the blanket with me out the door, zooming down the hallway.

"Hey, wait!" He yells in a strained voice from behind me, running through his bedroom door, down the hallway, then-


I turn to see him laying flat on his stomach, with his arms on each sides of his head.

"You're an idiot." I can't help but laugh at him, even though I'm kind of annoyed at him. "You and the guys need to get your shit together and get in the studio."

He stays silent, then rolling over onto his back slowly. "Ow.." He breathes.


I had actually managed to get Slash into the shower, after very hard work. I think the face plant sobered him up a bit, though.

Then I had to collect the boys, Izzy and Duff were pretty easy, because they were just strumming their instruments at home.

I had to drag Slash and Axl around town with me while I looked for Steven, but Axl wouldn't stop complaining in my car, so I dropped him on the sidewalk and told him to find his way to the studio himself.

Steven refused to go with me at first, claiming that I was a 'russian banana burglar who was trying to steal his fingernails.'

"Go take a flying fuck on a rolling doughnut!" He yells in my face, leaning lazily against the streetlight pole behind him.

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