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MASON STAYED QUIET during the entire breakfast while he munched away on his food and watched Izzy and Jackie giggle at each other like high school sweethearts.

The group sat in a private booth in the corner of the diner as they ate. It was awkwardly quiet, and Jackie assumed it was because of the giant elephant in the room who went by the name Mason Wilder.

Jackie started talking about a dream she had last night to make conversation. "Ooh.. was it about Izzy?" Mason perked up in his seat. "No, dumbass." She scoffed.

Yeah, maybe.

Izzy and Jackie shared a look for a split second then looked back at their food. Mason spoke up again. "Dunno how it couldn't be when you were all snuggled up together." He shoved a fry in his mouth and shrugged.

They stayed quiet. Mason took his chance again.

"Oh, and Izzy.." he widened his eyes and nodded, pointing at Izzy with a French fry. "Man, I saw that hard-"

He hissed when he felt Izzy stomp his foot onto his. Izzy's knee accidentally bumped the table, sending Jackie's drink right onto her white shirt.

Just my fucking luck. She thought to herself.

"Fuck, I'm sorry." Izzy grabbed a bunch of napkins and shoved them against her chest. Mason's loud laughing was now turning heads.

"Damn it, Mason." Jackie whisper-yelled, taking the napkins from Izzy's hand. "Wh-" Mason scoffed with his hands in the air. "What'd I do?" He looked at a random old man walking by as if he could answer.

Jackie shook her head and tried her best to soak the liquid onto the napkins from her shirt. The three went quiet before Mason began snickering again.

"Will you two please.. for the love of fucking god, resolve this sexual tension." Mason's tone was more serious.

Jackie's hands froze as she looked up at Izzy to find him already looking at her with dark eyes. She gulped. "Uh- I'm gonna go home and get a new shirt."

"I'll go with ya." Izzy quickly offered, raising his hand in the air to wave over a waitress. Mason stumbled as he tried to quickly get out of his seat. Izzy put his hand firmly on his chest. "No, dude." He shook his head.

Mason's jaw dropped. "Fine. I'll just go to Audrey's, she always liked me." He raised his nose as he turned on heel out the door.

Izzy shifted his attention back to Jackie when she stood from her seat and he realized she left her jacket in the car, and if it weren't for her bra, she'd be completely exposed to the old men in the diner.

"Uh- here, take my jacket." He slid his jean jacket off his shoulders and put it around Jackie's when she stepped out of the booth. He was about to remove his hands from her shoulders when she looked up at him, and he kept his hands there for a moment.

The sound of a throat being cleared pulled him from his daze. "Uh- you needed the bill?" A long legged blonde looked at Izzy, completely ignoring Jackie's presence.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks." He responded quickly, paying the waitress, then escorting Jackie out of the small building.

"Sorry about that." He said as they got in the car. "S'okay." She said as she took off Izzy's jacket and leaned behind the passenger seat to grab something while Izzy turned the key in the ignition.

When she sat back in her seat, she took off her wet shirt to replace it with the loose T-shirt she found in the back. Izzy had trouble keeping his eyes on the road as almost her entire chest was exposed.

She caught him looking at her in her peripheral vision. "Eyes on the road, Stradlin." She chuckled.

"Sorry, kinda hard to focus when you're half naked." He said.

She burst with laughter. "Okay, more like- a quarter naked." She said. "Am I really that distracting, Stradlin?" She teased.

He shrugged. "Maybe."

"Fuck off." She laughed again.

Layne speaks!

ANLTHER SHORT CHAPTER KM FUCKING DORRY I've been really focused on my Metallica fic (which u should def check out it's called Polaroid) but yeah I've been rlly focused on that lately and i haven't found motivation for this story but I promise yall it'll come back to me

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