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"DAD, come on." I was practically begging him. "No, Jaqueline! He ruined thanksgiving and traumatized those poor girls!" He shouted, finally turning to face me.

I stood and shook my head, ignoring the tears that slowly brimmed my eyes. "You're really that fucking clueless aren't you?" I whispered after a moment of silence.

"What?" He hissed.

"You didn't see the whole thing. You don't know what Aaron did to me."

It was just a few hours after Slash and Aaron's little brawl. I was fucking furious at both of them. Slash for terrorizing my cousins and Aaron for... well because he's Aaron. Everybody left the house without even touching the food. I finally got myself together and left my bedroom, only to find my mother storming off to her bedroom in tears.. probably out of embarrassment. The guys all stayed quiet and went in my room after I left it so they could avoid my father's wrath.

"I don't care, I saw what I needed to see. I don't want that man in my house, so either you go tell him to leave or I will, and it won't be pretty."

"And I don't want you seeing him anymore."

I scoffed.

Why is it whenever something goes good it doesn't even last for 24 hours?


"Fuck this." I mumbled before turning on heel and walking rapidly back to my bedroom. My toe was now covered in dry blood because I didn't even get the peace to clean it up. I swung the bedroom door open and looked at the guys stretched out around my room.

"Pack your shit, we're leaving."

They all shared a look before scrambling around to find their belongings. I started shuffling through my dresser for the clothes I dared to put back in there, as if this would really last. I muttered a string of curses while I shoved everything back into my suitcase without folding it. I felt a set of eyes burning holes in my back.

"Fucking what, Stradlin?" I barked.

"You alright?"


"You don't look fine."

"Then stop looking."

All six of us finished stuffing our bags and put our shoes and jackets on. I grabbed Duff's keys from the counter where he left them and immediately went out the door. I wasn't gonna wait for whatever shenanigans they planned on pulling while I was trying to leave. I threw my stuff in the rental car's trunk and turned back to see the guys already out the door. Has hell frozen over?

Duff was the last one out and he shut the door behind him, but it opened a few seconds later. I shakily pulled out a pack of cigarettes from my pocket while I tried to make out in the darkness whoever was walking out here.

"Jackie. Jackie Lynn, please don't go sweetheart." My mother's voice began wrapping around my neck, and squeezing. Hard. Last time I left, she didn't know. I left during the dead of night, so I didn't hear her begging cries for me to stay.

"Honey, please." She begged, walking closer to me. "Sorry ma." I said simply, stomping out the barely smoked cigarette. She reached for my arm but I moved it just before she could touch it. Maybe I was being cold. Too cold. She had no part of this. I avoided eye contact with her just to keep my shit together.

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