burn marks

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JACKIE WOKE UP the next morning, entangled in sheets and Slash's arms, bare bodies pressed firmly together. The short hairs that framed her face stuck to her forehead and the loud air conditioner rumbled to life again, pulling her back into consciousness.

She moaned tiredly, kicking the sheets down and sliding her arms away from Slash's body, cringing at how her sweaty skin peeled off his. Slash grumbled and tightened his grip on her as she tried to move away. "Stop." She mumbled, keeping her eyes closed as she tried to move away again. Slash mumbled something again until she finally opened her eyes and glared at the curly headed man. "It's hot." She hissed, flipping over to the other side of the bed.

She assumed Slash fell back to sleep as he didn't respond and she exhaled heavily, resting back into the mattress.

Then she realized what she was doing. Where she was. Who she was with.

She shot her eyes open and stared at the wall, frozen in place. What do I do? She wondered. Ditch? Accept my fate?

She lost her chance to decide as Slash rolled over and slung his arm over her waist, his bracelets clinking loudly. She gulped and stared at his hand as his fingers caressed her stomach, genuinely afraid that his fingertips would leave burn marks behind.

As Slash woke up a little more he realized how tense she was, and he stayed frozen in place too. He didn't know how to react either. Give her space? Stay? Take her mind off it?

He decided he'd take her mind off it as his fingers traveled further down her stomach, slowing down just below her belly button. Jackie stayed silent, following his hand with her eyes as her lips parted and her heartbeat quickened a bit.

Suddenly, she moved out from under him and stood abruptly, grabbing the nearest article of clothing, which happened to be Slash's T-shirt. "I have to take a shower." She kept her eyes to the floor as she went to the bathroom, cursing herself for not grabbing her toiletries.

"Fuck my life." She whispered as she looked at the small hair and body products the hotel had to offer. It wasn't too bad, but she'd been strict about what she used on her face and hair. She could just go back out and get her stuff, right?

Wrong. There's no way she'd go back out there and face Slash now.

She gripped the edge of the sink counter and stared at herself in the mirror, reflecting on everything that happened in the past 24 hours. Her breathing quickened as she remembered the whole ordeal with Izzy and Calliope and all the other loud alarms going off in her head.

Jackie shook her head and hummed, moving away and turning on the shower before her thoughts could drown her.

She slid open the shower door and stood under the water, sighing as the warm droplets hit her shoulders.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth until the door opened, and she could see Slash's silhouette on the other side of the foggy glass door.

"Occupied." She called.

"Are we gonna talk about this?" Slash said loudly so she could hear over the loud water.

"What?" She furrowed her brows, keeping her eyes closed.

The shower door opened and she shot her eyes open, turning her head to look at Slash who stood on the other side, still naked. "Clearly you're upset about what we did. Are we gonna talk about it, or are you gonna avoid me like you always do?" He was straight up with her. He didn't want a repetition of 1987's events.

"Uh... I'm trying to shower, can we talk after?" She blinked at him.

"No." He said firmly, stepping in the shower and shutting the door.

"Slash, what the fuck?" She scoffed, turning around to face him.

"I don't want you to regret this." He stared down at her blue eyes. "I don't regret it, and I don't want you to either."

She opened her mouth to talk but didn't find any words as she looked into his dark brown eyes. Her eyes filled with tears as she finally spoke with a broken voice. "I just don't know what to do."

"What do you mean?" Slash asked softly, placing her hands in his.

"I don't-" she struggled. "I don't know what to do... I just don't understand why he'd find me in Seattle if he had someone here the whole time." She shut her eyes tightly as her head started hurting.

"I don't either." Slash half-lied, pulling her into his arms.

"I DON'T WANNA GO." Jackie whined, falling back onto the bed while Slash pulled on his jeans. "I don't either, but we have to." He said.


"Uh..." he swallowed thickly, thinking of an excuse to get her out of the hotel room. "I only got this place for one night." He said, buttoning his pants.

It was four o'clock and Jackie didn't leave the room at all, or the bed for that matter. Slash told the truth when he said he only got the room for one night, plus he didn't want her to be holed up in a dark room all day, not having eaten anything.

"What?!" Jackie sat upright swiftly. "Slash!" She groaned. "That means I have to stay at the house."

"So?" He asked while pulling a shirt over his head.

She blinked at him. "Izzy's there. And probably Calliope too."

Slash sighed heavily. "No, they're probably at Cal's house, and if they're not, we can come back here for another night or two."

Jackie raised an eyebrow. "Cal?"


"Right." She nodded, standing up and grabbing her bag.

"Hey." Slash grabbed her arm and turned her around to face him. "If it's too much, we'll leave." He cupped her cheeks with his hands and looked into her eyes.

She nodded. "Okay."

bit of a short one today, sorry. stuff has been really stressful lately and I'm a bit stuck, not sure what to write.


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