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"WOW, THAT MUST'VE hurt.." Audrey traced her finger over the tattoo on Izzy's upper arm. The coldness of her index finger gave his pale arm goosebumps- not the good kind.

Jackie sat on one side of the L shaped couch with Mason's head in her lap- now Izzy was the one who envied. Jackie stared at the smoke patterns swirling in the air as Mason exhaled and passed her the joint.

Izzy sat on the other side of the couch with Audrey sitting right next to him, putting her hands all over him.

Jackie smiled to herself after she took a hit. "You know how the smoke looks all swirly?" She waved a finger above Mason's head in the small cloud of smoke. "Yeah." He responded.

"The patterns are already in the air, the smoke just makes them visible." She couldn't stop herself from smiling- for whatever reason. Probably because of what she was holding between her fingers.

Izzy turned his head to look at Jackie, interest peaked. "Really?" He asked, ignoring Audrey's touchiness.

"I dunno." She shrugged, but kept the same goofy smile on her face. "Somebody told me once, I don't know if it's true, though." Her words began to blur together slightly as the marijuana had begun kicking in.

"Makes sense." Mason said. "Yeah, that's cool." Izzy nodded. He found himself oddly interested in what she had to say.

Audrey joined in. "You know, red hair is the thickest hair by strand." She said, twirling a piece of her warm red hair. Jackie wanted to roll her eyes. Audrey's hair wasn't even natural, she dyed it in her beauty class she was taking. "Oh.. cool.." Izzy replied in a less enthusiastic tone.

"You know, Izzy..." she repeated. Jackie then rolled her eyes and shifted her attention back to the smoke cloud. "You'd look good with red hair.." she smiled.

Jackie and Mason both shot their heads in their direction quickly with wide eyes. "No." Jackie said firmly.

"What?" Audrey looked at her.

"No. He doesn't need to dye his hair."

Izzy watched as they went back and forth, feeling awkward in the middle of the tense situation.

"He'd look good!" She smiled. "So would you, Jackie." She added.

"No. Neither of us are doing that." Jackie shook her head.

"Yeah, you'd have to bleach your hair and then it would get all crunchy and fried." Mason remarked. Jackie looked down at his red eyes and chuckled a bit.

"Uh.. I'm gonna-" Izzy began moving, peeling Audrey's arms from his neck as he stood from the couch. "Gonna go get a drink, Jackie?" He looked at Jackie. She furrowed her brows cluelessly as he jerked his head in the direction of the kitchen. "Can you show me where the drinks are?" He asked.

Audrey stood up. "Oh, I can-"

"Yeah, come on." Jackie interjected, placing a hand on Izzy's arm and leading him in the kitchen.

Izzy peeked over Jackie's shoulder briefly, to make sure Audrey wasn't following them. "Hey, uh.. I'm sorry, I know she's like- your friend, but she's kinda making me uncomfortable.." he admitted.

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