chopped liver

367 6 10

November 1990

JACKIE TWIRLED THE phone cord between her fingers while she waited for the dial tone. Izzy and Mason sat on the couch a few feet away watching an MTV interview with some of the guys from Soundgarden talking about their 1989 album Louder Than Love and how they planned on recording something new in the spring of 1991 with their new bassist.

Izzy had really taken an interest in the whole Seattle music scene after being there with Jackie & Mason for the past three weeks. He liked how the alternative scene was a lot smaller, and the artists were more down to earth and humble-plus, the women were able to wear their combat boots and flannels and had hair like Cat Power's rather than Heather Locklear's.

Mason knew everything there was to know about the up and coming grunge bands. Hell, he probably owned every single album there was to own. From Mother Love Bone's Apple to Alice In Chains' Facelift, he had it. He also had older 1980's albums, one ironically being Appetite for Destruction, but just about everyone owned that one.

She had been distracted by the TV as well but got pulled out of her thoughts at the sound of a voice on the other line.


"Steven?" She asked. Izzy whipped his head around and stared with wide eyes. "Steven?" Mason and Izzy repeated in unison.

"Jackie? Holy shit! It's been so long." He said. She chuckled a bit. "Yeah, yeah it has." She smiled big even though he couldn't see her.

"What have you been up to?"

"Oh, y'know... just wandering across America searching for the right place." She shrugged. Izzy gulped at that. Did that mean she planned on leaving again?

"Right on." He replied. She was glad he didn't bring up any heavy stuff.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch or something?" She asked. "That sounds great, but.. I don't even know what state you're in." He chuckled.

"I'm in Washington." She said. "Oh, right on! I've seen the MTV videos of all the bands there. How are you liking it so far?"

"It's great." She nodded. "Yeah, small town.. smaller bands.. smaller egos." She smiled at the sound of his laughter on the other line. "Yeah, I'm living with my roommate, Mason."

She glanced at Mason who scoffed at her words. "Roommate? That's it?" He looked at Izzy who just shrugged. "I'm just chopped liver around here, huh?"

Jackie ignored Mason and continued talking to Steven. "I'm in school. Majoring in music."

"That's great."

She swallowed thickly before asking, "how've you been? I uh- heard about the band and stuff." She was wary not to push any nerves.

"Oh, yeah." He sighed heavily. "It was a whole thing 'cuz I wouldn't get clean and stuff, so Axl and the guys kicked me out."

"I'm sorry." She said.

"Yeah, it's alright. I'm over it." She imagined him waving his hand in the air to shrug it off. She knew he wasn't fully over it though. Nobody would be, getting kicked to the curb by your band mates.. by your best friends.

"Well, we gotta schedule something. It'd be nice to see your face again." She said. "Yeah, yeah. Of course. I'm still in California, I know you probably left for a reason so if you don't wanna come here, I can-"

"It's fine. Izzy's gotta get back there anyway." The words rolled right off her tongue. She widened her eyes when she realized. Izzy looked back at her with wide eyes.

"Izzy's there?"

"Uhhh..." she blinked.

"It's fine. Don't keep me in bubble wrap." He said.

She wasn't quite sure what that meant, but she got it. "Okay, okay." She nodded in understanding. "I'll be in California some time in December, or earlier. I'll call you when I know more."

"Alright. It was nice talkin' to ya. Bye Jack." He said. "Bye." She repeated, hooking the phone back on the wall receiver.

"Okay, hold up." Izzy stood up from his seat, approaching her. "Hm?" She looked up at him with furrowed brows. "Come here." He grabbed her hand and led her into her bedroom.

Once they got in there, she sat on the bed next to him and waited for him to speak up.

"Why'd you say I have to go back?" His eyes held an ounce of worry. She grabbed his hand and placed it in hers.

"Because," She sighed. "You have to. You have to get back to the guys anyway, it's rude for me to keep you."

"I wanna stay with you." He said. She felt her heart swell up at that. "I know, I want you to stay too, and I'm dreading going back to California but I wanna see Steven.. and..." she trailed off, casting her eyes downward.

"And what?" He lowered his head to meet her gaze.

"I feel like I should talk to Slash. I owe it to him." She said. He shook his head. "You don't owe him anything." He said softly.

"Well- maybe I owe it to myself then. I need closure... or something, and maybe he does too."

Izzy slumped his shoulders and let out a heavy sigh slowly leaning into her until he collapsed on her, sending her back on the bed.

"Izzy!" She laughed, playing with his hair. "Do we hafta goooo..?" He whined into her shirt. "Yeahhhh." she replied in the same pouty tone.

He groaned loudly, his deep voice booming through her chest. "When do we leave?"

She thought for a minute. He raised his head and furrowed his brows when he saw a mischievous grin grow on her face.

"How 'bout now?" She smirked.

So that's what they did.

hi ugh sry for lack of updates shit sucks rn

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