crayon marks

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THE FLIGHT to Nashville was decent. I was sat next to an overweight, hairy man who snored the entire time, which sucked. The actual arrival was bittersweet. The minute I stepped out of the plane I was taken back to summer 1983 when I was stepping onto the plane.

I retrieved my bags and made way to the airport's exit. The thought of seeing my mother again put a pit in my stomach. The pit probably also could've been from not eating anything on the way here.

I scanned my eyes around the rainy parking lot for my father's old beat up truck. I turned my head at the sound of low groaning and immediately spotted the truck. My mother is jumping around in excitement in the passenger's seat, pointing at me. My father's face lights up when he notices where she's pointing. They stop the truck right in front of me and immediately jump out. "My baby!" My mother exclaims, reaching her arms out to me.

My father smiles warmly at me as I look at him over my mother's shoulder while she engulfs me into a bear hug. The smell of her perfume immediately hits me and I hug her tighter, burying my face in her shoulder. "I missed you, mom." I mumble into her hair, that smelled the exact same as before.

It smelled like home.


"They came out with their first album back in July." I say to my parents from the backseat of the truck while shoving French fries into my mouth. "And what'd ye say it was called? Appetite for desire?" My father asks, looking at me through the rearview mirror. "Appetite for Destruction." I chuckle. The truck hit a small bump in the road, sending the dream catcher hung on the rearview to wave around dramatically. "Damned potholes" my father grumbles.

They'd been asking me all about the guys. Especially my dad, which I don't blame him for, considering it was five men with his daughter. I told them how I met them all, how I came to live with them and some other random questions they'd ask me.

"And yer not sleepin' with any of em' are ya?" He pushes. My cheeks went warm and I stopped mid-chew. I can either lie, and they'll eventually find out when I bring Slash here.. or I can tell the truth and face their wrath now.


"Ah, shi'yet, Jackie Lynn yer mother told ya' not to!"

"I know, I know! I'm sorry, but it's not like they're tossing me around or anything. It's just this one guy, Slash."

"Slash? What kinda name is that?"


"Alright, alright." He takes his hands off the steering wheel, raising them in defense. "Long as he's treatin' ya right." He lowers his tone.

"And what about Aaron? Hell, I thought yew was still with 'em!" My mother joins in. "No, we broke up just before I left." I respond, sparing her the details. If she knew he showed up in California that day of Axl and I's arrest, she'd skin him alive. If she even found out about my arrest, she'd skin me.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it. That boy is no good." She responds as we pass his house just next to theirs. Or, ours. Theirs. Ours? Am I even allowed to call it 'ours' anymore? I feel like I've lost the place to call it that.

"Home sweet home!" My father announces, pulling the truck into park and hopping out. I hop out after him and scan my surroundings.

Nothing's changed since I left.

The air smells the same, the grass is the same color, the garage door still has crayon marks on it.

"Darn it, Jackie Lynn. Ye don't color 'awn the damn door!" My mother drops the gardening hose and rushes up to me, grabbing the crayons out of my hand. "Mama, I was jus' makin' it perty!"

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