jd soaked sheets

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"Nashville? That's so exciting!" Steven exclaims from across the booth. "Steven, keep it down, man. We're in public." Axl shushes him, looking up from his menu. Steven glares at him then shifts his attention back to me.

"Yeah.. Nashville." I say in an unsure tone. It all happened pretty fast.. I thought my mom would hate me and tell me to never show my face in Nashville again..

"You should get us a gig down there, or something." Axl remarks, peeking over his menu again. "No, Axl. You won't step foot in the same state as my mother." I shut him down quickly. Axl and my mom would probably get into a cat fight.

He scoffs and mumbles a 'Fine.' Then finally focuses back on his menu. "Jackie, you should take Slash with you!" Steven suggests. Both Slash and I turn our heads up at this.

"Uh..." Slash's face lights up. "Yeah, I could meet your parents!" He exclaims. "Uh.." I repeat. Luckily the waitress saves me from ripping Slash's heart out of his chest.

"Hi, welcome to Celeste's, I'm Valerie, and I'll be your server today. What would you folks like to eat today?" She says in an overly cheery voice. "Well, Valerie.." Axl offers her a sly smile. All six of us order our food and return back to our conversation after the waitress leaves.

"Anyway, yeah. You should totally take Slash with you! He can meet your childhood friends and inbred cousins!" Steven exclaims. Axl slaps his menu on the table, glaring at him.

"Steven.. I don't have inbred cousins." I whisper, eyeing the older people in the restaurant who were staring. "Oh.. I thought that was a Tennessee thing."

"What? Dude.. No." Duff furrows his brows. "Okay, whatever. Slash, its bum-fuck USA, I promise you won't be missing out on anything."


"If Mars had earthquakes, would they be called Mars-quakes?" Steven continues badgering me while I keep abusing my closet to find some decent clothing. "Dunno."

"When lightning strikes the water.. Why don't all the fish die?" He asks again after a minute. "No clue."

"Can you cry underwater?"

"Steven, I don't fuckin' know, man. I'm trying to pack here." I respond. I'm starting to think he found a 'Ten questions to annoy your friends.' Book or something.

"Fine, I'll just go ask Izzy."

"Yeah, you do that."

I continue shuffling through drawers and hangers. "Jaaaaaack." I hear a voice from behind me, followed by lazy footsteps walking toward my room.

"In here!" I shout from the deepest darkest corners of my closet. "I'm bored." I turn back to see Slash standing in the doorway with a bottle of Jack Daniels.

"Sorry, I'm not." I respond, brushing past him. He throws himself onto my bed. "Careful, dude. I don't want JD soaked sheets." I warn him, returning to my half-packed suitcase.

"Do you really hafta go?" He groans. "Yeah, I told my mom I would." I reply, shoving a pair of boots into my bag. "At least let me go with you."

"No, Slash. I'm sorry. If it were any other trip, I'd let you, but it's my mother and I's first time seeing each other in like... four years.. I'm sure I'll go again, and you can come with me next time."

"Fuck, fine." He grumbles, rolling off the bed and leaving my room without another word. I shake my head and continue packing.

"Yo, Jackie." Another voice calls me. I drop a pair of pants to the ground and sigh. "Steven, I swear to God.. if it's another goddamn stupid question.. I'm gonna filet your limbs and shove you in my suitcase, then mail you to my father's doorstep." I say with my back kept turned toward the door.

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