
477 14 11

October 4th
4:51 pm.

The last two days were pretty uneventful. The guys are on their three week break. Thankfully since they're all so burnt out from the shows, they haven't been as crazy, and loud.

I had been reading all day. I finally decided to get out of bed and do something, anything at all to be somewhat productive.

I'm not a huge reader, but it's probably healthier for your brain instead of watching television.

I walk down the hall, and down the stairs leading into the living room to see all five of the guys spread out on the chairs, couch, and floor.

I tip-toe past Steven on the floor, assuming he was asleep. "Hey jack." Izzy mumbles from the couch.

I sat down next to him, still careful not to bump Steven.

"Hey, what're you watchin'?" I say in a slight-whisper. "I have no idea, honestly." he laughs dryly.

"I was watching the new Dallas season, but this just randomly came on and I was too tired to care."

I give him a small smile. "You doin' anything today?" Readjusting myself on the couch to fully face him.

"Nah, probably not. You?" he shrugs. "I mean, I have nothin' planned but we can find something to do." I respond.


"I don't know, we could just get some snacks and watch a movie later tonight." I looked over at the clock to see it reading '5:21 pm'.

"Damn, I didn't realize it was already 5:30." I chuckled, "We should probably wake them up."

"Yeah, probably."


After the rest of the guys had gotten up, I forced them to help me clean the house, we spent about an hour straightening up the kitchen and living room,

"I'm not doing it, you do it!" I heard a voice shout from another room. "No way! You saw it first!"

I sighed, stuffing blankets in the hall closet and then following the voices into the bathroom.

Duff and Slash are waving their arms everywhere, rambling about something I didn't care about enough to listen to.

"Rock paper scissors!" Seriously? These are grown men acting like 5 year olds. I stare at them through the doorway with my hands on my hips.

"What the hell are you two arguing about?" I blurted.
"We're not arguing!" they both say in unison. I scoffed. "Okay, then what is this about?"

"The drain is clogged!" Duff raises his voice again.
"Okay Duff, we're in the same room, you don't have to yell."

"So all this racket is about a clogged drain? Seriously?" I raise my eyebrows at them. "Yeah, it's gross, and I don't wanna do it." Slash argues.

"Okay, neither of you wanna do it. So just do like Duff said and rock paper scissors for it."


"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"


"That's a tie."

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"


"Another tie."
"That's a tie."

"Jesus christ, you guys this will never get done if you keep choosing the same ones over and over again!"

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