izzy cockblocking stradlin

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October 24th, 1987
San Francisco, California

4:34 pm.

"Get up limp dicks, show in 2 hours!" I shout, knocking on each door in the small hallway of the enormous hotel room which is more of an apartment.

Axl told everybody he'd gotten a crazy offer from some guy he knows to do a show in San Francisco with a pay of $400, which was a lot for them considering they haven't even taken over the Sunset Strip yet.

The five men trudge lazily out of their rooms, surprisingly no random one night stands following behind them.

"Made y'all breakfast." I accidentally spill my Nashville accent then quickly clear my throat to hide it, knowing I'd be teased for the rest of my life by these guys.

"It's four pm." Izzy mumbles, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with the back of his hand. "Well, I made you guys late lunch then, I guess."

Duff and Steven take the two seats at the kitchen island, Slash, Izzy, and Axl scattering across the small living room, shuffling through television channels.

"Come get it ass brains, I'm not bringing it to you." I say plainly, earning lazy groans and slouched shoulders from all the guys.

"Pick it up, fuck tards. You have a show in a little over an hour and you still have to shower." I respond, name calling them for the third time within the past six minutes.

"That rhymed." Duff inches closer in my face as he walks behind me towards the refrigerator. "I'm quite the poet." I shrug.

"We should have a Halloween party." Steven remarks. "Oh yeah, 'cause the last one ended so well." Axl snarks, following the other men into the hotel kitchen.

I nod in agreement, glancing over at Axl, who gives me an eye roll. I'm assuming he's only avoiding me because he spent almost a full 24 hours in jail with me, even though it was more than a week ago.

"No, It's a good idea actually." Slash joins in, his mouth full with eggs and bacon. "We could all dress up!"

"That's fuckin' stupid, Slash. Are you twelve years old or something?" Axl scoffs.

"No, Axl. It's not stupid. You could dress up as the Wicked Witch of the West!" I smile over at him sarcastically.

"He's that everyday," Izzy mumbles from his chair in the room across from us, causing all the guys to laugh hysterically. "Wouldn't be much of a costume."

"Hardy har har. I'm glad you assholes are having fun." Axl rolls his eyes again, standing up from his seat, taking his plate to the sink next to me.

I knew deep down he was having fun too. He wasn't actually taking the bullying to heart.

"We are." I giggle after swallowing the last of my meal, then putting it in the sink after him.

"Alright, I'm done eating." I announce to the four men, the other red headed man getting sick of our teasing, deciding to take a shower.

"Okay..? Thanks for letting us know..?" Duff blinks at me. The room stays awkwardly silent for a minute. "That means move your asses and get ready!" I gesture my arms to the hallway.

Surprisingly they actually listen, abandoning their empty plates from their spots, leaving me to clean them.


"Alright guys, The Fillmore is like two hours away, so get whatever you want to be comfortable during the drive." I shout throughout the hotel room, putting silver hoops in my ears.

"Okay, boss." Axl responds, interrupting me in the bathroom to check himself out in the mirror. "Oh yeah, just make yourself at home, why don't ya?" I say sarcastically, ruffling my hair a bit.

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