not your responsibility

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November 1st
1:47 am

The night went smoothly for the most part, a few people decided that November meant Halloween was over, so they went home. On other hand, the party was just getting started for me.

"Come dance!" A coked out blonde woman shouted over the music at me, pulling me out of my haze. By now, I was just bordering on blackout drunk, not quite there yet, though.

I didn't respond to the woman as she pulled my arm, dragging me to the dancing crowd. I almost didn't realize she pulled me until a few seconds later. My vision and hearing was almost delayed. It quite literally felt like she yanked my arm out of its socket.

"Right from the start, I gave you my heart..." Elton Johns voice spilled from the bulky speakers in the corners of the bar. I continued dancing with the unknown women, until a tap on my shoulder pulled my attention to Steven.

"Hey, c'mere!" He exclaimed, beckoning me over before walking away. I followed him over to a group of other men, whose faces I couldn't even make out to recognize them, although I did recognize Tom Keifer, I'd recognize that incredibly attractive face anywhere.

"Uh... hi, I'm Tom." His deep voice pulled me out of my daydreaming. I didn't even realize I was staring. I could've very well been drooling too. "Um... Jackie." I smiled shyly.

I finally left the awkward 'conversation' that felt like it lasted hours, and sat next to Steven. "Uh, so what's up, Steven?"

"You just looked in need of saving." He shrugged, keeping his toothy smile on his face. "Plus we got our own party over here." He gestured over to the white lines of powder on the table. "Oh..."


"Have some!" He grabbed the small stray, handing me a rolled up dollar bill. "Um.." I hesitated for a minute before grabbing the tray. "Okay."

"Yeah!" He cheered, throwing his arms up. I swallowed thickly. Inching my head towards the tray, I reluctantly inhaled the white substance.

My vision blurred a bit, and my hearing got all garbled. I could already feel the migraine growing in my head. "Oh god.." I groaned, placing the tray back down. "Feels good, huh?" Steven looked at me, his features look almost scrambled up.

"Uh.. yeah, it feels great." I half-forced a smile, looking around at the men in the circle who seemed to be in their own little worlds. "Let's dance!" He exclaimed, sitting up from his chair, reaching his arms out to me.

I took his hands, following him through sweaty bodies. For a split second I caught Izzy looking at me from the bar. Steven lifted my arm up, twirling me around. I laughed, going along with his dramatic ballroom dancing.

"Let's go get more!" He shouted over the music, dragging me back to the round booth. "Ladies first." He handed me the tray and bill once again. "Okay..."

Just before I sniffed the line, a warm hand on my shoulder stops me. I hesitated before looking up, my first thought immediately being my father somehow found me there and he'd drag me out of the bar by the ear and ground me for a month.

It was just Izzy, though.

"She's had enough, man." He shook his head at Steven. "She's only had one line!" He argued back, I nodded my head in agreement and shifted my gaze back to Izzy.

"I just gotta talk to you for a minute." He looked down at me with pleading brown eyes. "Uh... can it wait?" I laughed softly, looking at the tray then back to him.

"No, not really." He responded, finally taking his hand off my shoulder, nodding behind his head at the door behind him. I muttered an 'okay', placing the tray down and following him out the door.

The cool wind hit me in the face like a brick, brushing my hair behind my neck, exposing my shoulders.

"Wanna share a smoke?" He reached his pack of Marlboros out of his pocket. "Yeah." I replied, leaning against the cold rough brick wall. "Hey, you seen Slash anywhere?" I tried to mend the awkward silence, though it didn't work that well.

"Uh..." I could clearly see his hesitation as he lit the cigarette. "No." He simply answered. "Alright, so what is it you needed?" I changed the subject.

"You just looked like you needed saving." He mumbled. I immediately remembered Steven telling me the exact same thing. I let out a soft chuckle, grabbing the cigarette he lent out to me.

"I think it's probably time we get out of here." He spoke up, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Why?" I questioned, a bit of disappointment coating my voice.

"It just is." He replied, pacing around the sidewalk. There was obviously something he wasn't telling me.

"Um, well you can. I'm not ready to go yet." I handed the cigarette back to him.

He threw the cigarette on the ground, stomping it, then walking back up to me. "I don't care. You're gonna get alcohol poisoning if you stay." He said, making his tone more stern.

"No, I won't." I argued, crossing my arms.

"You will."

I scoffed, pushing my back off the wall, looking at him. "I'm not your responsibility, Stradlin."

"No, but you're my friend, and I look out for my friends." He raised an eyebrow at me. "Stevens high out of his mind and you're not bossing him around." I pointed to Steven through the window. He couldn't even keep his balance, and it looked like he was arguing with Axl about something.

"That's different."

"How?" I snorted.

"Steven can take care of himself."

"Oh, and I can't?" I glared at him, shaking my head before turning on heel, making my way back into the bar. I stood on my toes, looking around for Slash's curly head of hair.

Spotting him at the bar, luckily alone, I made a bee line towards him, sitting on the stool next to him.

"Oh hey! Where you been?" He exclaimed when he met my eyes. "I was outside." I replied. He smiled warmly at me, which I couldn't help but smile back at.

"You havin' fun?" He turned his whole body to face me.

He didn't give me time to respond when he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. "Yeah, you?" I replied, running my fingers in his hair.

"Not so much before, but you're here now." He smiled again at me. I fought the urge to ruin the moment by bringing up the girl he was talking to earlier.

I pushed those thoughts out of my head, leaning down to kiss him. We were both buzzed, and fully aware of how this would turn out.

He deepened the kiss for a minute, before standing up. "Your offer still up for getting outta' here?" I bit my lip to hide my smile.

"Definitely still up, but I don't think I can wait 'til we get out of here." He took my hand and led me through to the hallway we almost went in earlier.

He opened a door to a back room, probably used for the bands that would play in the bar. It had a leather couch, like any other backstage, along with some tables and a mini fridge.

"Come here." He mumbled, pulling me onto the couch. I put both of my knees on each of his hips so that I was straddling him.

He pulled me into a long, passionate kiss, slipping his fingers up my thighs, and under my dress. I pulled back from the kiss, moving to his neck, leaving kisses under his jawline.

He ran his hands along my thighs, then onto my back, laying me on the couch so he was over top of me.

alright when I wrote this chapter I wasn't comfortable with smut yet... but trust me , there is smut further into the book for all u horn dogs

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