deja fucking vu

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JACKIE ENDED UP dozing off on the couch a few minutes after the guys left.


Her doorbell rang.

"Shit." She was startled awake. "I swear to god if this is another one of those guys, I'm gonna fucking.." she trailed off as she swung the door open.

"Jackie. You won't fucking believe this." Audrey stood before her with wide eyes. "Uh.." Jackie gulped. "What?" Audrey pushed her aside and went in the house.

"Audrey, what?" Jackie began to grow nervous.

"Brittany and Jessica said they saw Izzy fucking Stradlin on the sidewalk earlier."

Jackie's eyes widened.

Oh boy...

"Oh, well.. you know those girls, always gossiping and spreading rumors." She waved it off. "They were probably lying."

Audrey squealed, ignoring her. "Oh my god, he's here! He's in Seattle! What if the rest of the bands' here too? What if they're doing a show? No, probably not 'cause I would've heard about it.. but still! Izzy is here!"

Jackie scratched her neck awkwardly as Audrey rambled on. Audrey hopped along behind her as she went into the kitchen. Audrey believed that she could make any guy fall for her, and Jackie just knew she'd try it if she saw Izzy.

Jackie pulled out a water from the fridge and glared at the front door.

Don't fucking walk in that door Stradlin, so help me god.

"Oh my god, oh my god.. wait- do I look okay?" Audrey smoothed her hair down.

Jackie thought it was almost like she knew Izzy would've been here any minute.

Audrey ignored the sound of the front door swinging open and continued jumping around excitedly in front of Jackie.

Mason and Izzy stopped in their tracks when they saw Audrey, then shared a look. Izzy looked at Audrey then back to the blond boy beside him who nodded slowly. He eventually nodded back when he realized..


"You don't wanna know."

Jackie almost spit her water out as she met Izzy's eyes. Audrey was distracted and she took the chance to mouth words to the boys and gesture dramatically.

"Go, go." She mouthed silently and rapidly waved her hands toward the hallway.

Audrey spoke up again. "Wait, Jackie.. do you think-"

Izzy and Mason looked between the girls like deer in the headlights as Audrey stared with eyes as wide as saucers and Jackie with an exhausted expression and slouched shoulders. She knew it was over for them.

"OH MY GOD!" Audrey shouted at the top of her lungs, piercing Jackie's eardrums. Audrey ran up to Izzy and practically jumped on him- swinging her arms around his neck and planting his cheeks with kisses as if they were a couple who hadn't seen each other in years.

Jackie adjusted her weight onto her left foot and stared. She envied Audrey- she hadn't even hugged Izzy when he came in, and now Audrey was stealing it from her.

Her jealousy disappeared when she saw Izzy's expression. His face turned red as he tried to remove Audrey's arms from around him. "Uh.." he chuckled nervously.

"Oh my god.. I literally love you so much.. I love your band and your music and everything." Audrey rambled on with blush tinting her cheeks.

"Uh.. thanks." He chuckled awkwardly again. He looked at Jackie and widened his eyes as a silent 'get me the fuck out of here right now.'

"Um.. Audrey." Audrey's head turned swiftly at Jackie. "Why is he at your house?! Do you know him? Are you friends? Is he your boyfriend?" She put emphasis on the last word and the three others clearly noticed her jealousy.

"No.. no.. not- we're not dating, we're just friends.. he came over to.." she trailed off.

"To see her." Izzy spoke up. "I came over to see Jackie." He nodded at Audrey then glanced at Jackie.

Jackie raised her eyebrows at his newfound confidence. Mason chuckled from beside Izzy and shook his head.

layne speaks!
double.. maybe possibly even triple update tonight 😏

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