485.Lis Has Also Done A Lot

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[Was it easy?

She endured so many hardships to lose weight for my sake. Even though her weight is of no importance to me.

Please don’t say that she deserved it. All of you have so much to say even after she lost the excess weight. What would happen if she still was overweight? Should I be thankful that you haven’t killed her with your criticisms?

For a long time, she rejected so much food for me. She ran for six hours and walked more than twenty kilometres every single day.

I’ll ask simply: Are there any fiancées like her, who would silently contribute so much without saying a single word?

If there aren’t, please keep your mouths shut.

I and my personal relationships aren’t accountable to anyone. I’m very busy with my work. It’s also impossible for me to spend time responding to a post like this.

I’m making an exception for Lisa this time.

I’m requesting for the people who are blind to the truth to stop criticising my fiancée and calling her names. Please don’t ruin the relationship I fought so hard to regain!

– Jeon Jungkook]

Jungkook posted the long comment that he had written. At the same time, he edited his account details to show that his identity was officially verified.

Normally, a newly posted comment would get pushed all the way back. If anyone else had posted this, it likely wouldn’t have gained any traction.

But he was Jeon Jungkook. This post was pushed upwards at the speed of light. Quickly, it gained a hundred likes, a thousand likes, three thousand likes…

There was no need for the moderators to help him out. All the popular posts were naturally pushed upwards. Jungkook’s post immediately went to the very top where everyone could see it.

Although Lisa was seated in his lap, her head had been lowered as she scrolled through her own phone. She had not paid attention to what he typed.

She was waiting to read it after the comment was made.

To her surprise, when she scrolled through the post made by Jungkook, all she saw was an empty space.

But the post was gaining traction at a crazy speed.

She was dumbstruck. “Jungkook, you’re really popular! You didn’t write anything yet you gained more than five thousand likes within minutes!”

The responses to his comment quickly grew to a thousand and was still increasing rapidly.

[Great Jeon Jungkook… is this really you?]

[His identity is verified. It’s really him!]

[I’m so moved. It turns out that my idol is so deeply in love. He struggled so hard to chase after his wife. I’m begging all of you to stop saying things to force Lisa to give up her position. I won’t forgive any of you if you disrupt my idol’s relationship!]

[Lisa has also done a lot for Jeon Jungkook. All of you who criticised her, better shut up right now. If you were in her place, I’m certain most of you would have taken all that you could. If you have the ability, go and run for six hours and walk twenty kilometres every day before you speak up. All of you weak girls would surely be left unconscious!]

Lisa read the responses and saw that people were beginning to support her at frightening speed. They praised her for having a good character and for not being greedy.

The ones who criticised her for being a vermin were also the target of everyone’s attacks now.

Lisa looked up from the comments and turned to the expressionless Jungkook in confusion. She asked in curiosity. “What did you write?”

If it really was an empty post, it wouldn’t have caused such a big response.

“Nothing much.” A hint of discomfort appeared on Jungkook’s face.

He would never tell her that he intentionally hacked her account so that she wouldn’t be able to read his response. Everyone else, however, could read it normally.

Lisa was intelligent. She narrowed her eyes. “I don’t believe you.”

She recalled that he was a famous hacker and suddenly understood. “Jungkook, you hacked my account, didn’t you?”

Her tone was certain.

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