531.Finally The Truth

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“Boss, you can’t punish me for this.” Bambam immediately clarified. “This subordinate was only offering a suggestion. Please take it as a joke if you don’t agree.”

Lisa had intentionally softened her tone earlier and he did not recognise her voice.

Baekhyun rubbed his forehead in pain. He was fearful that Bambam would accidentally create some trouble and implicate him.

He wanted to escape, but he had yet to complete the task he came to do.

“CEO Jeon, I don’t care!” Lisa sweetly tugged on Jungkook’s arm and pointed at Bambam. “I don’t like him! Pluck his head off for me to use as a football!”

Bambam’s eyes immediately widened in astonishment. A hint of rage flashed past his eyes.

He did not expect the woman in front of him to be a vixen. “Beautiful woman, I didn’t offend you, did I?”

Baekhyun immediately responded in his mind. ‘You offended her and how.’

Bambam did not take her words seriously. “Boss is wise and farsighted. He won’t listen to you.”

“Carry out her orders.” Jungkook made a gesture with his hands. Two bodyguards immediately stepped in and restrained Bambam.

Bambam was frightened to the point where he almost wet his pants. “Boss, you can’t treat me like this.

Previously, you wanted to end my life for the sake of the ugly Lisa. Right now, for the sake of a beautiful woman, you’re once more…”

“Forget it, don’t frighten him.” Lisa finally spoke normally. She glanced at the two bodyguards. “Return to your posts.”

The two bodyguards turned to Jungkook in hesitation. After receiving his nod, they politely backed away.

Bambam released a sigh of relief. “Beautiful, I knew that you would have a good heart. I was almost frightened to death. When I angered Lisa, I had to endure three days of special training and nearly lost my life. I didn’t expect you to only crack a joke with me after I offended you. As expected, you’re much better than that black-hearted Lisa.”

“Bambam, some day, if you ever find yourself dead, remember to sew your lips up so that you can be reincarnated as a mute in your next life.” Lisa reminded him kindly.

“Why?” Bambam struggled to understand this.

Baekhyun was terrified that he would make the matters even worse. It was clear that CEO Jeon was an emperor who would sacrifice his entire country for the sake of pleasing his lover.

He approached Lisa’s side and spoke to her. “Miss Lee, CEO Jeon's instructed me to check if the wound on your palm has fully recovered.”

He intentionally emphasised the word, ‘Miss Lee’, so as to remind Bambam of her identity.

Bambam was dazed for a moment.

Both Baekhyun and him only knew of one ‘Miss Lee’. It couldn’t possibly be the ugly woman he was thinking of, could it?

He turned towards the stunning beauty by Boss’s side. Both her gaze and her attractive figure were especially attractive.

He tried to imagine what she would look like with a layer of medicine on her face…

Wasn’t this Lalisa?


How was this possible? How could Lisa be a stunning beauty? There was no way this was happening!

However, no matter how he took her in, especially when he noticed the scar on her palm, he realised that this was absolutely Lisa.

Bambam instantly suffered ten thousand points of damage. He could not return to himself from the attack!

Bambam snapped out of his daze and recalled the way he had called Lisa ugly earlier. He was immediately covered in cold sweat.

Lisa extended her left palm towards Doctor Baekhyun. The wound had recovered, leaving behind a thin and long scar.

Baekhyun was worried that CEO Jeon would be jealous. He quickly put on a pair of gloves to check on her wound. He then used a stethoscope to give her a quick check-up, before concluding. “CEO Bai, Miss Lee’s hand has fully recovered. Her body is also healthy.”

Jungkook nodded slightly and waved his hand.

Baekhyun began to turn away.

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