525.Breathtakingly Gorgeous

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Still, he nodded. “En.”

When it came to feelings, he chose to believe that she would win.

For some reason, he was unwilling to suspect her words. Still, he knew rationally that it was better to make the necessary preparations in case she lost.

When that happened, at most, he would threaten Eunha into cancelling the bet.

“Is there anything that you don’t understand?” His distant and sharp gaze shifted onto the laptop screen. “I’ll explain it to you.”

“What’s there to explain about my school work?” She winked mischievously at him. “Jungkook, why don’t we go to the bedroom to ‘have a long conversation about life’?”

Although she really wanted to watch her idol teach her…

Firstly, he was really busy. She did not wish to waste his time.

Secondly, she hoped to win over Eunha through her own abilities, and not with his support.

She couldn’t possibly remain under his protection forever. Once in a while, she needed to rely on herself, didn’t she?

Jungkook’s heart was deeply moved. His gaze turned heated as he watched her. “Lisa, do you know what you’re talking about?”

She smiled. “Of course.”

She then took the initiative and headed for their bedroom.

The next morning, when Lisa woke up, Jungkook was already properly dressed and waiting by her bedside.

“Are you going to the company?” she asked.

He nodded slightly as his cold gaze lingered on her. “Are you going to school? I’ll send you there.”

“I’m skipping class today. I’ll go tomorrow.” If she went to school today, she would definitely be the centre of everyone’s attention. They were bound to ask her how prepared she was.

It was better to hide at home in peace for a day.


It seemed like she had already begun treating Yu Ting Villa like her home. This was because Jungkook was here.

She took in his handsome features.

It seemed like her feelings for him were growing by the day.

Jungkook returned her loving gaze and for a moment, he almost believed that she loved him…

But, was this possible?

After all, she used to hate him so much.

Right now, she kept him in his heart and allowed him to take possession of a portion of it. Although this was not sufficient to satisfy him, he did not wish to push her too much.

This was because he believed that one day, her entire heart would be his!

[It already is dear..]

Lisa was exhausted. She leaned back against the bed and quickly fell back to sleep.

Knock, knock, knock!

Someone was knocking against the door. She reached for her phone and saw that it was 9:00 in the morning. She felt slightly upset from being woken up and gloomily demanded. “Who is it!”

“It’s this subordinate.” Butler Zhao’s voice rang from outside the room. “Young Master instructed this subordinate to wake you up at 9:00 a.m. latest. He would like you to wake up and have breakfast so that you don’t harm your stomach.”

Jungkook was so considerate of her health. The irritation she felt from being woken up instantly dissipated.

Lisa spent a few minutes washing up before she put on a dress. She then left the room without applying any medicine.

Butler Zhao was waiting outside the room. When he saw her breathtaking beauty, a hint of awe flashed past his usual, stony features. “Miss Lee, you…”

How breathtakingly gorgeous was she! Was this the right person?

Lisa nodded slightly and asked. “What is it, Butler Zhao?”

It was only after hearing her familiar voice that Butler Zhao confirmed that this was truly the ugly Lalisa, whose face had been covered in acne previously.

Butler Zhao was well-experienced. He immediately returned to himself and concealed his emotions. “It’s nothing.”

He simply felt a little dazed. It was truly hard for him to believe that, after recovering, Lisa would turn out to be such a beauty!

Lisa headed downstairs to have breakfast. Afterwards, she brought an extremely large pair of shears to the garden to trim the bonsai there.

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